Is being funny just retarded? and should we really flirt?


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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Well, we all know that women love "funny" guys, as they love sweet sensitive, caring guys (so as they say ;))

I think this happens to a lot of us, we meet a hot, chick and we behave more or less normally, then we crack a joke and she laughs hysterically... we feel so good about that, that we want more and more, until we transform ourselves in complete clowns. Mystery for instance, if my memory isn´t playing any tricks, is against being funny.
You know what I mean, it´s obvious you can say a joke, but do it as if your were with male friends..

What about Pook, the guy said that a real man should show his interest just asking the woman out. Period... The flirty talk seems to be more of an ego boost for women, they love it, as they love entertainers, but does this get you any further? (or deeper for this matter).

Also a word to the wise, start ignoring 10´s and stop treating them like queens, they are just like any other human being, really just stop trying. I think it´s just pathetic, I would even say immoral, the amount of attention these girls are getting.

It doesn´t matter if you are a top 1% on looks either, these girls think they are above Venus, and you know the typical girl complain that girls are so much better looking then guys.. These girls are rarely banged by pretty boys, only by guys that could perfectly well be thieves, rapists and that treat them exactly the opposite way all the other guys do etc... so you don´t want to lose your time with girls like these.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Judge nismo has got to review this!

JdelaSilviera said:
Well, we all know that women love "funny" guys, as they love sweet sensitive, caring guys (so as they say ;))

That's what women SAY. They love all these qualitites as long as the male is already deemed desirable.

I think this happens to a lot of us, we meet a hot, chick and we behave more or less normally, then we crack a joke and she laughs hysterically... we feel so good about that, that we want more and more, until we transform ourselves in complete clowns.

Your sense of humor won't make you any more physically or financially attractive.

Mystery for instance, if my memory isn´t playing any tricks, is against being funny.
You know what I mean, it´s obvious you can say a joke, but do it as if your were with male friends..

Playfully don't give a f**k.

What about Pook, the guy said that a real man should show his interest just asking the woman out. Period... The flirty talk seems to be more of an ego boost for women, they love it, as they love entertainers, but does this get you any further? (or deeper for this matter).

Women will watch men do all this PUA sh*t, but if the man isn't one they want, it's all laughable at best and annoying at worst.

Also a word to the wise, start ignoring 10´s and stop treating them like queens, they are just like any other human being, really just stop trying. I think it´s just pathetic, I would even say immoral, the amount of attention these girls are getting.

That part I bolded is a way that men need to band together to take the price of pu$$y and love down. Yes, you can ignore HB10's, but for every 1 guy who does, there are 100 waiting for the chance to get in her pants as well as bend over backwards for her.

It doesn´t matter if you are a top 1% on looks either, these girls think they are above Venus, and you know the typical girl complain that girls are so much better looking then guys..

Put an attractive male and an attractive looking woman side by side. The woman will get more attention 9 times out of 10. Beautiful women are celebs ALL THE TIME. Being a beautiful attractive male with lots of money just BRINGS YOU UP TO THEIR LEVEL.

These girls are rarely banged by pretty boys, only by guys that could perfectly well be thieves, rapists and that treat them exactly the opposite way all the other guys do etc... so you don´t want to lose your time with girls like these.

I've been treating women the opposide way guys typically do. Being nice and honest barely got me anywhere. But being cruel however, has!
Sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind. Has being the nice guy gotten you anywhere? Probably not. Men can be funny and flirt all they want, but at the end of the day, it's the man who gotta make all the moves, and it's the woman who decides whether or not you're desirable for her.

But, about being funny. Doing it all the time gets you labeled as her nice guy court jester. Not doing it at all MIGHT get you labeled as a bore. Spontaniety and use sexual innuendos too.

Case closed.
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Don Juan
Aug 5, 2011
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I think being funny has a lot more to do with being witty and clever than just cracking a bunch of lame jokes. I have a friend who tries to crack jokes with women all the time, but they usually aren't very clever at all which makes him look like he is trying to hard.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2012
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Being funny to make her laugh is different to being funny for you own amusement. I tease and mess with girls cos it keeps me entertained. If they sensed that I was doing it for their enjoyment I think they would see me as a clown but cos I'm acting in a way that shows how they feel doesn't really affect me I think it comes off different. You have to be a bit of a d!ck to get away with this but I seemed to be able to most of the time. Thing is I tend to only do it with girls I'm not attracted to. This is where I need to improve, treat these girls the same as all the rest.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2012
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The Viagra Pill you wish you had...- United Kingdo
Don't mistaken being funny with a man who knows his confidence that is expressed through wit, charisma, ****iness, and humor. Women dig a confident man who can shake the foundational core of a woman to make her feel she 'isn't on his level' or 'maybe not good enough'.


Apr 9, 2010
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The key (to everything for that matter) is moderation. You don't want to be funny all the time, because then people won't take you serious. You don't want to be sexual all the time, then people will see you as a pervert/creep. Same thing applies to everything else.

To answer the second part of your question. "Should we really flirt?"

According to Pook in his thread called "What I've learned" he says...

1)Go for the number, go for the date. (Guys should not flirt. Women flirt. The job of guys is to ask for the number and to call for the date. This cuts through all women's games.)
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Don Juan
Sep 5, 2012
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Interesting thread...I am a 'newbie" here, so here is a question....In Ron Louis's and David Copeland's classic book "How To Succeed With Women", they stress flirting with humor. I have followed the advice in that book to a 't', and it has worked for me! (in fact, doing a google search on Ron & David is how I found this forum.)

Do you think Ron Louis and Dave Copeland are wrong?

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Its' something I noticed interacting with many friends, they are serious,unapologetic and confident while dealing with girls they dont like or people which opinion they dont care, only to turn into doofy akward clowns when they perceive themselves as the "inferior" part.

So what actually happens is that girls they dont like find them attractive and authoritative and people they dont care find them professioanl and confident while at the same time the hot girls find them akward or ridicolous just like the people they try to impress look at them with boredom or annoyment.

Just think yourself, can you recall any difference in your attitude while dealing with the postman instead of a professor at university.
Would you be more prone to laught at an unfunny joke in the same measure for exaple?

Or would you have the same reaction to a sh1t test from a hot girls compared to an average one that you dont mind too much to lose?

Sincerly speaking I find myself doing the same mistake here and there.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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I'm thinking at least half of my notches (and ALL of my sexy notches) are because I made them laugh.

Getting a girl to laugh gets you an audience. It's there you work your magic.


Nov 4, 2010
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FairShake said:
I'm thinking at least half of my notches (and ALL of my sexy notches) are because I made them laugh.

Getting a girl to laugh gets you an audience. It's there you work your magic.
this is good ^^^
just dont be the clown, being funny and commanding and auduence show huge confidence, command and presence, you need to be able to follow it through though. Clowns are supplicating, not confident


Don Juan
Sep 5, 2012
Reaction score
A key to being funny is NEVER make yourself the brunt of your jokes, and you MUST use sexual/romantic innuendos towards her with your humor, otherwise you will just end up being an entertainer and a "clown" for her. Using humor is a great way to let her know your romantic/sexual interest in her right away. Like I mentioned, it's in the book "How To Succeed With Woman, and, just like Fairshake, making them laugh has worked for me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
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Honestly, I don't give a fvck what they think. Everyone here is trying be something they are not just so they can get their dlck wet. Ya I like to be funny most of the time but that's because I don't like to take myself seriously and enjoy a sense of humor. If these wh0res don't like it then fck them, could care less about em and what they think. Stop placing p$ssy on the pedestal people.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
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To explain more, there is no blue print on this PUA shyt. Some girls like a great sense of humor, while others don't care for it all. I've had girls that just absolutely love comedy and some that just had no sense of humor and very vanilla. Every girl is different.

Just don't fake being funny or rub off like a comedian because she will see right through it and label you as a clown. Sack up, always hold your ground on your opinions, neg her if you must. Like I said, just be a man and not a wuss and you'll be alright regardless if you have a sense of humor or not.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Intelligent women appreciate wit. It is a sign that you too are intelligent and basically have good genes. But like everyone said, leave your unicycle in the closet.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 4, 2009
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If you're funny you should use that to your advantage. Just don't go overboard.