Being an AlphaMale is about feeling comfortable in your own skin and not being worried nor concerned about what other people might think about you.
Every night I spend half an hour affirming positive thoughts about myself into my subconscious mind, saying things like "All of the hottest babes are attracted to you, love you, want to be with you, are attracted to you like a magnet" and "You are powerful charismatic irrisistable to attractive woman, you speak in a powerful voice, you succeed in everything you do", these I repeat to myself over and over again before I fall asleep in my bed.
I don't even try to attract woman as they have become naturally drawn towards me since I have been doing this, it is amazing, it really does work.
Every aspect of my life has changed since I have been doing this, my life is fantastic now, I don't only attract the hot babes, I also enjoy and succeed in all other areas of my life.
Being an AlphaMale may have some genetical attatchments to it, but I have been empowered to learn it by just affirming these positive thoughts about myself into my mind, it was that easy.
I don't even have to try to attract a hot babe, I don't have to think about cold approaches, or being ****y and funny, or asking them for phone numbers, or worrying about pick up lines or anything like that, I just do what I do in my everyday life and hot babes just come into my paths, as well as carreer opportunities and so many other magnificent things.