Is anyone else annoyed by the "Hahaha I am so silly" attitude?


Nov 2, 2006
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Oxide said:
When I was in the Mystery lounge, I used to be constantly surrounded by this, it seemed like all the Pua's played this "I act and talk like I am 12 and retarded" frame to girls.

It would be this playful talk that I guess some girls love.. Something like "we are divorced/married" , you are my little sister.. etc

I mean I see the playful frame but some take it waaaay too far. Does anyone else get annoyed by this frame? I can never see myself doing some of these things and I have done some stuff in my time that makes heads spin.

I guess what I am saying - do you prefer the more mature approach where you are in control of the convo, you lead it where you want it, you expect her to act as an adult.

or do you embrace the path and the mentality of the average MTV viewer?

"OMG did you see Laguna Beach?!"
"OMG YES! It was crazy!"
"Yeah, you are just like the girl from there!!"

It seems like some guys (and i see this more and more) get into speaking and acting like the girls!! They have the same intonations, saying "Def" instead of definitely, saying "ok go 1,2,3" ???

So I guess the point I am raising is this - in todays day and age, can we connect with the 18-22 female demographic without falling in the trap of acting like these broads? Can we be stoic and passionate about different things (books, business, classics), who wants to discuss something more than TRL, who generally has a conversation with a point.

Note: not to say that you can't be fun.. hell yeah be fun all you want, but this is different because these girls are in this mindset 24/7 it seems (or may be I am missing something)
Yes, these people try to find an easy formula to do ****y and funny and it usually ends up with them talking like a 12 year old with too much candy in their system.