Is anyone else annoyed by the "Hahaha I am so silly" attitude?


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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When I was in the Mystery lounge, I used to be constantly surrounded by this, it seemed like all the Pua's played this "I act and talk like I am 12 and retarded" frame to girls.

It would be this playful talk that I guess some girls love.. Something like "we are divorced/married" , you are my little sister.. etc

I mean I see the playful frame but some take it waaaay too far. Does anyone else get annoyed by this frame? I can never see myself doing some of these things and I have done some stuff in my time that makes heads spin.

I guess what I am saying - do you prefer the more mature approach where you are in control of the convo, you lead it where you want it, you expect her to act as an adult.

or do you embrace the path and the mentality of the average MTV viewer?

"OMG did you see Laguna Beach?!"
"OMG YES! It was crazy!"
"Yeah, you are just like the girl from there!!"

It seems like some guys (and i see this more and more) get into speaking and acting like the girls!! They have the same intonations, saying "Def" instead of definitely, saying "ok go 1,2,3" ???

So I guess the point I am raising is this - in todays day and age, can we connect with the 18-22 female demographic without falling in the trap of acting like these broads? Can we be stoic and passionate about different things (books, business, classics), who wants to discuss something more than TRL, who generally has a conversation with a point.

Note: not to say that you can't be fun.. hell yeah be fun all you want, but this is different because these girls are in this mindset 24/7 it seems (or may be I am missing something)


Oct 1, 2006
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You know it's funny. I wish I saw more of this type of thing. Most of my usual daily outtings I run into elderly people. I seem to miss the whole 18-25 population demographic on most days.

Now, when I used to live by Laguna Beach, I remember noticing that "silly" phenomenon a lot. I really miss Laguna. Silly people or not.

By the way, I think it's mostly the emo/punk guys who are like that. I sometimes do that to mock a girl though. I'll occasionally say, "like OMG did you see...?" etc. just to get a laugh.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
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I don't think this is an emo thing at all.

I personally know guys who do this, and it seems they are the preppy dudes who go after the blond hot bimbos (you know, the ones with rich parents)

I know there are smart AND hot women out to find them..


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
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I've seen these tards time and time again since i'm still in school, but fortunately almost ALL of them crash and burn into the infamous friend zone. Girls want a MAN, the leader of the pack who is dominant(yet not an ass) over the other guys and doesn't act like a damn woman. Keep playing your role and you'll see that you will end up in bed with these girls, while the other guys may AT MOST come over to watch 'the hills' or some gay sh!t.
Mar 23, 2007
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yo u know what your right man its like when they do it their trying to get attention, i hate that **** I have a friend that does it, its like wtf why u trying to act like chick man? you aint gonna get laid you's just gona be stuck in the friend zone, but i think guys that do that **** get it from movies , has anyone seen waiting with Ryan Reynolds and how he always try's to pick up the lesbian bartender and how he acts?

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
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I do it sometimes have long convos about dumb **** like movies,rap music,clubs,etc..but I don't do all the goofy ****.I'm noticing that I can't even have an interesting conversation with a girl under 21.(I'm 24).


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
This thread show me that you are not READY for the "game" yet.


Because you shouldn't be annoyed by what other people are doing. Live and let live. If that frame annoyes you, the CHANGE YOUR ENVIRONMENT!

Go to where the girls you want to meet will be! Don't sit around in the same annoying enviroment and complain! If you don't like the girls you are constantly around, then put yourself somewhere else!


Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
Leave America/Candada/UK etc. That attitude will disgust most girls on this planet. The fact of the matter is that most American broads are immature little children. A 16 year old Ukraine girl is more mature than a 40 year old American woman on average. Yes, this is the truth. I blame you guys for most of this. Most of you still chase after old broads. This just makes them feel sexy and wanted. Hence, they act as a child would. In America you will often find a 40 year old woman who looks and acts more childish than her 12 year old daughter. That isn't saying much for the state of society.

Being serious should be sexy. Being goofy reminds me of the way gay men act towards their female friends (what American female doesn't have her gay boy?). At least show respect for yourself by acting mature and serious.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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Well then post a LR where you follow your own advice. Until then, stop whining and focusing on what you don't like. No one approach works for everyone, every time, everywhere.

Oxide said:
I guess what I am saying - do you prefer the more mature approach where you are in control of the convo, you lead it where you want it, you expect her to act as an adult.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Being serious should be sexy. Being goofy reminds me of the way gay men act towards their female friends (what American female doesn't have her gay boy?). At least show respect for yourself by acting mature and serious.

This is exactly what I am talking about. I've been at parties with gay men and they act like girls. So when I see a guy who wants to get with a girl act this way I am befuddled.

The question was, when you approach these ADD ridden girls with the "calm down, pay attention, think before you speak" do you lose them or can they pick up that you do not BS around and become better people?

I know a guy who puts girls in their place very quick, and some respond.. I guess in my experience most give an attempt to appear intelligent but that is quickly lost since you can't pretend to have brains for too long.

I might just disband this whole idea in order to just enjoy any conversation and try to get at least some interesting ideas out of it.

If i had a nickle for every time a girl told me "I don't know" when I asked her anything about what she does or what she likes to do.. I'd have enough nickles to melt them into a paddle to hit these girls in the ass with.

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
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i think if you are pulling chicks by playing that immature game you are going to get immature girls and immature relationships.

i'm so over that dumb ****.

personally, i've reached the stage if a girl cannot hold up her end of an intelligent conversation i'm not interested...

...unless i'm drunk and she's hot, then i'm interested for about as long as it takes me to blow...



Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2007
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Although these people don't annoy me, I can definitely see what you are saying. I am usually more serious in general. If you plan on being serious, you just have to avoid being 'boring'. A lot of girls see being serious=boring.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
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Typical club conversation:

you: can I get your opinion...
her: "WHAT??"

you: I SAID, can I get your opinion, who lies more...?
her: "WHAT???"

you: you have an eye booger...
her: "WHAT??? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

Try running some day game if you want a 'serious' conversation. Girls go out at night to dance, show off their bodies and get laid (by a hot, alpha guy who doesn't give a fvck about intelligent conversation). They'll go back to their provider beta hubby or boyfriend after the weekend's over anyway.

Serious, introspective, intellectual conversations are going to lead you straight back to sosuave scratching your head.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
No, they don't have to. There are women out there who can hold a conversation and be fun when you go out.

But I definitely see what you guys are saying - when I go out I sort of go into this "party mode" where I am not serious, I just have fun and talk to girls..but usually my convos have a point, like when I ask them what is their best skill in the bedroom and so forth..I am leading them where I want them.

Where other days it is just:

fluff fluff fluff >> go for the kiss.

dance dance dance >> hands in pants >> Kiss

I see how for short term game this would work wonderfully, but then again, what if we are talking longer term


Senior Don Juan
Oct 8, 2005
Reaction score
Like I said, try running some day game. Or go out at night to places where girls can actually hear you. It's not that hard. You are making a mountain out of a molehill.

You keep trying to frame this issue as if girls were dumb, or can't follow how serious or cerebral you are. Maybe YOU are the one who's being dumb if you keep going back to places you don't like or where you find people who you aren't compatible with. If you go'll catch fish. Stop posting the same message over and over again.


Oxide said:
No, they don't have to. There are women out there who can hold a conversation and be fun when you go out.

But I definitely see what you guys are saying - when I go out I sort of go into this "party mode" where I am not serious, I just have fun and talk to girls..but usually my convos have a point, like when I ask them what is their best skill in the bedroom and so forth..I am leading them where I want them.

Where other days it is just:

fluff fluff fluff >> go for the kiss.

dance dance dance >> hands in pants >> Kiss

I see how for short term game this would work wonderfully, but then again, what if we are talking longer term


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
Fvck you in your stupid face!!!

Nah, you do have a good point. Thanks


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2007
Reaction score
Oxide said:
When I was in the Mystery lounge, I used to be constantly surrounded by this, it seemed like all the Pua's played this "I act and talk like I am 12 and retarded" frame to girls.

It would be this playful talk that I guess some girls love.. Something like "we are divorced/married" , you are my little sister.. etc

I mean I see the playful frame but some take it waaaay too far. Does anyone else get annoyed by this frame? I can never see myself doing some of these things and I have done some stuff in my time that makes heads spin.

I guess what I am saying - do you prefer the more mature approach where you are in control of the convo, you lead it where you want it, you expect her to act as an adult.

or do you embrace the path and the mentality of the average MTV viewer?

"OMG did you see Laguna Beach?!"
"OMG YES! It was crazy!"
"Yeah, you are just like the girl from there!!"

It seems like some guys (and i see this more and more) get into speaking and acting like the girls!! They have the same intonations, saying "Def" instead of definitely, saying "ok go 1,2,3" ???

So I guess the point I am raising is this - in todays day and age, can we connect with the 18-22 female demographic without falling in the trap of acting like these broads? Can we be stoic and passionate about different things (books, business, classics), who wants to discuss something more than TRL, who generally has a conversation with a point.

Note: not to say that you can't be fun.. hell yeah be fun all you want, but this is different because these girls are in this mindset 24/7 it seems (or may be I am missing something)

I absolutely refuse to say sh1t like

'You are so cute, you're like my little sister!'

It's just not me, the guys who talk like that always seem sort of gay to me.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2007
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I got Swingcat's lecture series on mp3 - he does that haha silly me attitude throughout the entire thing, I had to turn it off.

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
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NorPacWolf said:
Typical club conversation:

you: can I get your opinion...
her: "WHAT??"

you: I SAID, can I get your opinion, who lies more...?
her: "WHAT???"

you: you have an eye booger...
her: "WHAT??? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"

Try running some day game if you want a 'serious' conversation. Girls go out at night to dance, show off their bodies and get laid (by a hot, alpha guy who doesn't give a fvck about intelligent conversation). They'll go back to their provider beta hubby or boyfriend after the weekend's over anyway.

Serious, introspective, intellectual conversations are going to lead you straight back to sosuave scratching your head.
You have a very odd idea of what "serious, introspective intellectual conversation" is.