ChrizZ said:
Yes I want to use what I'll learn. I have always been interested in people and why they act the way they do.
I want to be independent.
Generally speaking I want to help people and push them in the right direction.
Psychiatrist, image consultant, lifestyle coach, motivational speaker, dating expert or a date doctor (kinda like in the movie Hitch LOL).
Those are the things I'd love to do.
Whew, glad to see that you have a few "more commercial" aspirations besides just having a personal practice. Don't get me wrong, it can be done and be quite lucrative but it takes time and experience. Having a few marketable talents under your belt will definitely help you especially if you gain work experience aside from any residency work along the way.
Here's a suggestion, for your selections which don't require a degree look for a niche market that you can work in while you are on your path. Now tons of people will tell you that you should just go to school because the workload alone is overwhelming; not true. Plus, if you just wait until after graduation, you will be competing for positions with people with pretty much the exact same qualifications as you. Why not stack the deck before hand?
Here's another bit of info, you can become life-skill certified even before you graduate. But unless you find a niche market, you'll be competing with tons of other people who decided to go in that direction without going to school. The downside to that is that you can come out of the program with only knowing the "rah-rah, touchy-feely" aspects of the field. You'll get real substance by having the psycho/social background.