Alright, time for another Iron Rule of Tomassi:
No Girlfriend is ALWAYS preferable to settling for any girlfriend.
The opposite of this smacks, no, it reeks of ONEitis, a complete lack of confidence and supplication. You are not the PRIZE, if you'll settle for anything less than an optimal situation with a woman and the women you would want to get with will pick up on this like you were wearing a sandwich board on a busy intersection advertising it. A man's default should ALWAYS be to opt for no attachment rather than becoming involved in a less than perfect opportunity. Your independence is your strongest attractant and something a man should jealously guard - only then will he, and the woman chooses to share it with truly appreciate his own value.
Also, while I will agree that rating a woman on a 1-10 scale is most definitely adjusted by geographical regions, I also think that there is no such thing as a perfect 10 based only on her appearance. Performance makes up that last point. I wouldn't buy a Corvette that had a moped engine under the hood.