California and Texas will leave the Usa and become part of Mexico, anglo americans will be kicked out and will realize that holding each other hands under thegaspipe said:l
Civil war? Perhaps not anytime soon. But there is a growing chasm between the haves and the have nots and the middle class is slowing disappearing in this country. the rich are indeed getting richer and the poor and the middle class are getting poorer. The disconnect between Wallstreet and the political elite in Washington is bigger than ever. The conditions are there for civil strife. Thomas Jefferson once said that revolutions are a good thing every now and then. While I dont think we will see a second American Revolution or even civil war in my lifetime I do believe that America will become fractionalized and that several states will break off particularly the larger states like Texas and California which may then lead to civil war. Things are definitely headed south unless there is a very drastic change in the political culture of this country.
rainbow is not something happening outside liberal's dream.
You simply cannot expect the majority of a state to accept being treated as second class citizen and respect the law of the masters.
Different cultures create different societies with different rules.
See the possible achievements,no more feminism in the land of cowboys.
Wheter you say it or not the average anglo american consider mexicans as the guys who grab the leafs and do the crappy jobs.
It's not up to me to tell people what to do or think however there are conseguences to behaviours.
This will make you realize what serbians felt when the international bully decided that they were the bad guys during the civil war and bombed
them in their own land.
It's not pleasable to take orders in your own home.
No anger or hate from me, just the desire to have people taste their own medicine.