insanity said:
i have seen in the past few years. men i know who have hit their mid-thirties have hit this youthful spirt, i think is a midlife crisis.the music they listen to is a teen thing. they try and talk all cool like the younger crowd, they have started dressing in style. they got a new haircut and have started cheating on their wives. basically everything they wish they did when they were younger.
does it take a certain period in our lives before we start living. is it really a crisis? all these years i hear people talk about how they wish they could do this and that. when the midlife crisis hits. is that where it all begins.
i'm approaching my thirties next year and i'm happily married and i'm chasing after the rock n roll dream. am i at risk?
Check on everything except the "trying to talk cool like the younger crowd" (generalizing here, not saying i specifically apply to the things you mentioned). Age almost always brings more maturity and more "coolness" in the way you talk. Going back would be a step backwards.
Its not that we may be "starting to live", its that maybe as the early career years and college goes by, we can temporarily lose our way as we try to get grounded in the work force. Once we reach a place of some stability and gain confidence along the way, then we have time to refocus all of that confidence on things that have been put on the side; including women.
Calling the thirtys "middle-aged" is quite a stretch. Just taking the whole package, (looks, money, confidence), i have never been as potent a force as i am today. And I'd say i'm still climbing in that regard; not peaked or moving downhill. Granted, i take extra care of my body but still.
I think the worse risk is to have regret for things you don't ever do. I'm personally taking some risks, but they are all measured. When i discuss/debate "getting caught" doing something I shouldn't, it's generally in the hypothetical, because I haven't been caught yet. With the wisdom of your 30s, you can get away with a LOT.
Also, regarding getting caught, another contingency i try to always incorporate is to be such a great "catch" (money, power, looks, etc), if you will, that even if you get caught, i'd be painfully obvious that leaving me would be a bad move. Granted making the people in your life happy too on a day-to-day basis counts too. Just don't negliect anyone and they will see the light.