Iberian women suck as well.
I would say that Northern Italian girls from the Torino area are more French looking (I am no fan of French girls...are you surprised?
). Girls from Verona and especially Bolzano are much more Austrian/German. Most of the Veneto is more Germanic in nature than the rest of Italy. The food, the attitude, the stature, etc. Reason why it is the industrial heart of Italy. Every Italian will admit to this. The best looking girls in Italy come from the areas closest to Slovenia. Those girls have a more Balkan look to them. Balkan girls have decent bloodlines. Albanians don't though.
Spanish...Suck. Doesn't matter where. Not popular to say this, but I know enough Spanish guys to know that even they feel the same.
I ask you....Where are all the Western European guys running to on vacations now? America? Far East? Other Western European countries? Uh, no. They are all heading to NEW Europe. Especially the Former Soviet Union. Just check out who is flying to towns like Tallinn, Vilnius, Riga, Kiev, etc. I wasn't the one who discovered these places. The secret is no more. Luckily, American guys are not as suicidal as I am. They won't wreck their careers and lives in order to live some sort of weird male fantasy. In saying that, I am seeing way too many Spanish and Italian guys these days. Scaring the hell out of me. I don't care if most look like they could be my father. It is still competition that I could do without.
I gotta get what I can get before I am forced into a country like Moldova
. Yes, Moldova. The Africa of Europe. Where minimum wage is set at around 30 Euros a month (UK is around 1,400 Euros a month). I was there about 5 weeks ago for a bit. Eastern Ukraine, while grey and depressing (to all but me), is Switzerland compared to that place. They do have lots of Russian girls there though still. Moldovan girls are not so good. However, the Russians keep things humming right along. If you know Russian you can do fine there.
Typical Former Soviet Style and body type. Those types of boots were all the rage in Ukraine and Moldova back in September and October. All the girls I know have them. Nice thing is that the girl can have $10 to her name (and she probably does), but she will still dress to kill and have looks that will make you question why you didn't learn Russian sooner. Cool site if you like photography and travel. Chisinau is a pretty depressing town. This coming from someone who thinks that Eastern Ukraine is an upbeat part of the world