I am investing in penny stocks per Cordoncordon's advice. :crazy:
Just kidding.
Just like I planned a year ago, I have a part time job waiting tables at a place where I make anywhere from $100-$200+ for a 5-7 hour shift, 3-4 days a week. That doesn't include bi weekly checks, or small profits from my internet store. My rent is laughably nonexistent (well under $300), my bills are just my phone plan for myself and my mother, car insurance, and just recently a membership to a dance instruction place. All of this runs under $500 a month. When I leave with my nightly tips, I ask for big bills, and I stash the $50's and $100's in my pirate chest that I keep buried under a fake palm tree. Just kidding about the palm tree part.
The money adds up. The month previous to this, I was able to pay a bunch of bills, move into a new place, pay tuition to a photography school, and buy a new DSLR camera which is pretty costly. Not to mention all of the
Groupons that I bought.
I learned how to basically live on next to nothing last summer and fall, when I first embarked apon my journey to another city, and was met with obstacles. This was all documented in the now defunct NLG. Basically, I lived in a van for nearly three months, and could not get a job to save my life.
But now, plans have come together exactly how I forseen them, I have the perseverance to follow through with goals despite obstacles, and now I am in the habit of not spending on what I don't need. Although I still do.

After I stash the $50's and $100's, the rest is mine to what I want.
This plan isn't for everyone. I am somewhat of a vagabond.