Same here, I feel like I have the aura of mystery that women find attractive. I don't reveal very much, but then I'll kill it by never revealing anything. And I always have to force myself into situations where there are other people to interact with.Warrior74 said:As it relates to game, being an introvert can be a deadly double edged weapon. On one hand it seems alpha, as you are not socially needy. But on the other hand it can seem beta as you don't care to be overly social.
I've had women tell me that they felt like I didn't need them. My ex couldn't understand how I could go to the movies by myself. I told her, why not? I'm not there talking to someone, I'm sitting in the dark watching a movie?
Throw in the fact that I'm a classic Virgo (not that i believe in astrology, but I do fit the criteria of a classic virgo) and INTJ and has hurt my game in the past.
A year ago I was going to school full time, working part time, and living by myself. I remember going days at a time without speaking to anyone at all. It was a frightening when I realized I had not spoken a word to another human being in days. I haven't done that in a while.
I'm an INTJ as's a blessing and a curse.