Introducing The concept of SNIPER SARGIN


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score

We dont like rejection. PUA community holds getting rejection and toughing your skin as critical to the PUA process . Agreed ?

We need to not be afraid of Rejection, but ONLY WHEN YOU REALLY WANT A TARGET IS IT WORTH GETting a rejection for.

In other words, Dont just go out there and get rejected for the blantant HeLL OF IT ! That is stupid to do, IF YOU DONT intend on Actually wanting her number.

So basically , What sniper sarging is this:

IF we are not attracted to a girl FULLY.
THEN we put in a half-assed ATTEMPT.
WE dont employ the full, BL, Vocality, the DHV, You dont really force yourself to game her.
As a result, we get rejected and then you question yourself ...

So what i do is, WHEN I GO Sarging, I dont go upto every target like a rabid animal. I keep walking until I really find one target that I really want to pursue and I Stick it out with her , persistently until I get a number.

I may go a whole night and approach only 2 girls. Even if I get rejected by 2 girls, ITs 2 SUPER HOT GIRLS I GOT rejected , girls I WOULD definetly keep around.

SO sniper sarging is, walking around, taking your time, but when you decide to finally pull the trigger, you really want this target and are going all out.
Usually when you do that, you find that you put more into fewer sets results in beter outcomes...but at the same time you do need to open a few sets up as a warm up and you can open a few sets for practice purposes.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
That is true but i also think it's essential to talk to some chick you don't really like for warm up purposes. What i mean is talk to a hb 5, 6 or 7 just to get yourself warmed up so that when you do see your 8, 9 or 10 that you will have your game face on since you warmed up. Warm ups are good for any excersise you do. If your a dancer you need to stretch, or if you play sports you need to jog, stretch= warm up it's all the same

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
Yo MackDaddy,

I've lived much of my life doing what you called "Sniper Sarging". I didn't always take this approach, but now it is my default conditioning. There are indeed pros and cons to this approach-----as I'm sure you probably already know this-----but hopefully only in CONCEPT, because dealing with this on an experiential level can be hard as hell on a man.

Here's what I mean:

You have the positive side of sniper sarging well encapsulated, but let me share with you the DARK SIDE of that same strategy. The gloomy side of it is that if we ONLY go after the upper echelon chicks, we run the risk of charging headfirst into SCARCITY.

And I'm not talking about the much bandied about phrase "scarcity MENTALITY". No, I'm talking about TRUE scarcity. Why? Because if you are a man of very specific tastes in women (as I AM), then you can often find yourself in a situation where you DON'T see these targets much.

There have been times when I have went MONTHS without seeing a woman who I thought was attractive enough for me to "target". And because of that, my dating/relationship/sex life suffered greatly. It is during those times when I throw myself MORE deeply into my other worthwhile pursuits------to keep from settling, and to avoid causing myself the headache of having to avoid women I'm not REALLY that interested in after going out with them or whatever. I have NO DESIRE to be a male-flake-----I leave that shyt for the women who fit that category, and for the men who can do it without experiencing ANY attack of conscience.

Like you, I have found that I am FAR HAPPIER engaging targets of TRUE OPPORTUNITY as opposed to engaging women that I would consider to be TRIVIAL PURSUITS. But to each his own, though. I see benefits and liabilities in each tactic.

Last month I had NO women in my sights, while this month I have SIX. Three are "immoble" in regards to coming "my way", while the other three are currently "in motion".

Oh what a difference a month makes-----a DAY makes----A MOMENT OF OPPORTUNITY "seized upon" makes.

I guess my take home message for all you troops who ARE thinking of embracing Mackdaddy's "sniper sargin" concept is that you MUST be prepared to either explore your passions even MORE during the lean times-------or somehow work to EXPAND your tastes in women.

So far, I've chosen the FORMER as opposed to the latter. And quite honestly, I feel that it is BY FAR the harder "HILL" to take.
