interview with a girl!!! must read!!!


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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My opinion is towards white U.S. women

I've dated some latinos, mixtures, and African Americans in this country with much better success. And even though none turned into LTR's, my experiences were much better. They always were kinder and handled things more maturely and with class.

About the only way I'd take an American woman right now is if she is a minority or mixed race.

I know, let the flames begin, I'll get ripped on my attitude on this, but honestly, that's been my experience.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Re: My opinion is towards white U.S. women

Originally posted by WestCoaster
I've dated some latinos, mixtures, and African Americans in this country with much better success. And even though none turned into LTR's, my experiences were much better. They always were kinder and handled things more maturely and with class.

About the only way I'd take an American woman right now is if she is a minority or mixed race.

I know, let the flames begin, I'll get ripped on my attitude on this, but honestly, that's been my experience.
On the first line you wrote about dating latinos... I thought you were a male? :confused:

Anyways, this post deserves 5 stars.


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score

Latinos is a term that can be used for women, too, unless it's latinas, which I believe is incorrect.

If you want me to get real specific I could call them senioritas.

Any Spanish majors out there?

For the record, I'm male.

For the double record: I'd rather date almost any woman besides a white American woman.

* Thanks for the nomarriage link. I've read it before but it was great reading again, especially the part about foreign women.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Confused?

Heh, I was making sure. You know latin girls are one of my favorites... actually it's my best favorite type of women. They have nice butts and everything and there hasn't been any other women (besides latinos/as) that i have been falling for since the beginning of this year.

Originally posted by WestCoaster
Latinos is a term that can be used for women, too, unless it's latinas, which I believe is incorrect.

If you want me to get real specific I could call them senioritas.

Any Spanish majors out there?

For the record, I'm male.

For the double record: I'd rather date almost any woman besides a white American woman.

* Thanks for the nomarriage link. I've read it before but it was great reading again, especially the part about foreign women.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2003
Reaction score
I like latinos and American women, even though there are alot of fvcked up crazy american women. Latinos always have a nice body and they dont have pale white skin.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
funny, at the same moment i was reading this a pop up add came up.....

"looking for a relationship" It was some jewelry company and the add was for an expensive gold ring. I just laughed


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Latinas are just perfect for me lol


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2003
Reaction score
Hi, and great interview fezz, i liked your idea and ((with your proper credits)) i did it to one of my best girl friends whom i know a lot from very long time, she is very honest and open with me. Check it out:

1. What attracts you to guys the most?

-Well, personally, guys are already attractive because of the fact they are men. Now, the most i like about guys is the way they make me feel. It is very important for me to have chemistry with men. I feel that a lot of guys may be hot or beautiful but that's not all. A man must make me feel unique and must respect me and make me laugh, that is the most attractive feature in my opinion. Maybe i am too mellow with this thought but i feel the physical can be lost in any envirovenment, however personality and character don't change and stay forever.

2.I'm positive women want a good looking man, so how much do looks and how a guy dresses actually matter over their personality and honesty and other characteristics?

-I can't deny it, a guy's appearance is very important but not determinant. A guy may be very hot Brad Pitt style but with a closed and prejudiced mind. And there may be a guy not so hot but with an enormous heart that can cautivate anyone, and this is more than necessary. For me, it is very important that a guy values me for what i am and not for what i have. And i can't pretend to love a guy for what he has more than for what he is. It is much more important to have someone who listens to me and loves me than someone who looks good. I don't know if i'm making it clear, but what i mean is that the heart is more important than the looks, really. Much more important.

3. What was the thing(s) that made you lose interest in your last boyfriend?

-Oh what a question! haha. Well... lack of trust, indecision, lack of communication, basically. I feel there have been ocasions in which guys don't know what they want and let their impulses and hormones take over them. I don't pretend to judge men because they have their reasons for acting like they do. I reject guys when i feel they don't care for me, that i am another one in their list, that i'm not wohth it or when they have an erroneous concept of who i am or what i think. I lose interest in them when they lose interest in me.

4. Girls always say they want a guy with humor, but does humor really give a girl a sexual wanting for a guy?

-Whoa! mmmmm maybe humor influences it a lot, because a girl wants an emocional desire more than a sexual desire, i feel there is nothing better for a girl than the love or emotion a guy can put in her. My opinion is that women request to feel emotionally desired in order to feel a sexual desire. This is because of the fact that girls feel secure and consecuently feel they will be supported by the guys.

5. What do you look for in a relationship?

-A relationship is very complex, but it is through the complexity itself that a lot of things can be expressed. In a relationship i look for someone who makes me feel in a way that anyone ever will make me feel. I look for trust, someone whom i can talk to about anything i want, whenever i want. I look for respect and admiration. But more than recieving all of this, i look more for someone whom i can give it. I look for love and of course to be able to give it too. A relationship is a base for the future and i don't want anyone for just a while. Deep inside of me i look for the bases for a relationship for life. I could say that perhaps unconsciously i look for someone to live my life with.

6. How do you feel about talking on the phone?

-The truth is, even if you don't believe me, it does not fascinate me. I just like it because it makes me hear many things about the people i love. It makes me feel closer to them. I can be there when i can't be physically there. I can listen, confort, tell, and simply being. Phone makes people become closer to their loved ones. Of course that more than anything i would like to be with my boyfriend or girl friends but if i can't i rely on the phone. Of course it affects me because calls get expensive but of course it is worth the time for being in contact with your loved ones.

7. Is there anything that initially attracted you to the guy you have now that let you know he was "the one"?

-I thinks the indicated guy is the one i am with because there is no one that makes me feel that way, that looks at me that way and that treats me that way. I love to be with him all the time because time gets short when i am with im and i really dream he will become part of my life. I feel he's the right one because no one makes me feel the way he makes me feel. He has been in good times and bad times. Many people may think that i think this way because i am an idealistic, dreamy and romantic girl and that anyone may think the same about any guy but there is something magic in my boyfriend that tells me HE is the one.

8. Do women really want to get some as much as guys do (alot) even though most of the time they don't show it
for the fear of being labled a *****?

-No, i think, women have hormones and everything but for a woman to enjoy in the sexual sense it is important to enjoy in the emotional sense. At least i need to feel safe and good with a guy to enjoy sex. I feel that the fact of what people say about one should not matter so much because if they do it is because they like it not because of what people can say about them. I feel that the sexual pleasure goes much more beyond the animal pleasure that many men experience, and some women too. For me, the sexual enjoyment is a kind of magic where the intelectual, emotional, rational, personal and physic elements of each being mix. Personally, i don't like going out there making out and having sex, more than that, like i said before, it is the sentimental part. I'm not saying i'm perfect because like all the people i have had some making out and i don't regret it but i'm not proud of it. I feel that 'getting some' is greater and better if there is a connection.

9. Ok, about romance. What is the quickest way your bf can turn you on?

-Well i get excited a lot with the feeling my partner evokes when he makes me feel desired, that turns me on more than anything. And the quickest way is with a passionate and warm kiss that makes me feel the wonder woman.

10. What about guys turns you off the most?

-There may be very exciting guys but very boring at the same time. For me, what turns me off the most is when a guy wants to have excessive attention and when he gets too pretentious. I know this is not relevant but it is important.


well what do you think? we can get many different answers but some things go with what you learn here... It depends a lot in the type and education of the girl.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Nice job there dude!!


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Good work, my only problem with this is ...

... that throughout my life I've heard these canned answers time and time again, and then the woman runs off or marries the biggest low-life she can find. Usually it's because he was "funny and makes me laugh."

Nevermind that he's a druggie and/or abuser and a cheater, demeans the woman and so forth -- he made her laugh! Hey, how come Rodney Dangerfield ain't pulling chicks left and right?! Oh I forgot, most women hate RD -- who is great by the way.

I've literally had several divorcees answer my question of, "What did you see in the guy in the first place," and the answer was, "He made me laugh."

Now are we working on a relationship here or auditioning for an act at the local comedy club?

My guess is if you gave American women these questions they'd all or close to all of them would answer appropriately but fail to follow through on their words.

Don't buy the lies -- date foreign women or women of foreign descent! (Read for more info on this!)


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
I don't know guys. I still think of these answers as politically correct superficial bumpft.

They may be a little different than the way girls use to answer these questions a short time ago (nice guy that brings flowers) but it is just the latest fad in how chicks answer these questions (a guy who respects me but stands up for himself sometimes.)

You still need to dig deeper. What do you mean by "chemistry"? Oh I see, if he turns you on and seems turned by you. But what is it about a guy that turns you on? Oh I see, ...

This is what Doc Love said he did. He didn't accept the first answers. He asked again and again, narrowing down what she really meant until he came up with his philosophy.

FastSeduction recommends doing the same thing and its called Eliciting Values. Link here.

Email these girls again and pick up on a few of the things they said and ask them to explain in more detail what they mean. Read between the lines until you get to the bottom-line emotional response she is talking about.

Probably can't do this very far over email but there is more to finding out what women want than 10 questions with 10 more honest than usual (but still superficial) answers.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Red Sox Nation
Re: Good work, my only problem with this is ...

Originally posted by WestCoaster

I've literally had several divorcees answer my question of, "What did you see in the guy in the first place," and the answer was, "He made me laugh."

WC. I think this goes very well with your point that most of these women are into instant gratification. So they choose their mate based on what they have available at the moment. If they looked further they would definitely choose somebody else.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2003
Reaction score
Ill try to talk to that girl more indepth about relationships and guys in general, but she is just one girl out of the billions. All girls arent the same. If any of you all have any really close girlfriends, why dont you try asking them about it also, and see what kind of responses are given. We can all compare.


New Member
Mar 11, 2004
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okay well i am the girl fezz interviewed. Hello.
I am from america lol and I do agree with how television has completely ruined females by giving them false methods and telling them what is hot to look for and such. Like one had said, its usually a fad in what girls look for now, and that does make sense. Fads always go hand in hand. Look at clothes- when people are in a certain type of clothing, they act differently.. and that can effect what they look for, how they talk, and can even make thier closest friends seem like acquantances. Theres magazines that say "whats hot" and "how to get the guy you dreamed of" and such... suggesting what that dream is to females in america.
The reason why a lot of females are *****y is because every attempt they've had at getting a good relationship has failed, and they follow these "rules" given to them by the media and crap philosophers believing it will work the first time. So it doesn't work out, and those druggies and rapists and such turn out to be real mess ups. So then girls get afraid, and think if they ever be that "careless and believing" again, they'll get hurt. For most females, they thing *****y equals being assertive. Does that make sense at all?
I have had a lot of experience with guys. I've always been the one who keeps going out there, trying someone else, something different, and even changing my perspective on things. A successful change doesn't happen unless you yourself changes. Thats common sense. And so, after being cheated on, cheating, being treated like a goddess, and treated like dirt, being sexually abused, afraid of, considered too young, considered too *****y, too modest, too flirty, too shy, etc... I think i've really considered and realized what i want. And everygirl will have a different answer, mine to this particular essay where quite plain and undetailed. ask me certain questions and i'll see what i can do to help.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
well well...the hostess has finally arrived.

answer this: How can you tell if a girl is flirting w/you for fun or cause she's interested in you?? it's confusing sometimes.

why the hell do girls play games even if they are interested in you!!??

and what's up with those damn tests of theirs?


New Member
Mar 11, 2004
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well of course, i do NOT speak for every female out there, but i will give you my answers to those questions.
I love to flirt. Its in my nature. I love the attention that I get. But if I am really interested in a guy, I will find some way to touch them as much as I can. A guy I just flirt with just to flirt, I make TONS of eye contact with, and someone who I really like? well, I have a hard time even looking them in the face. Its usually a subconscious thing but I get so nervous to look at them! Its really not a "just me" thing, because I've gone over this with a few friends, and they all seem to agree.
(This answers last two questions) When I am trying to help a guy out with girls, usually my first statement is, "girls are malicious." And we are. We play games with guys, test them, to see basically, where guys draw the lines... how far we can push them till they go over the edge. I mean, girls like to see how much freedom they can have for themselves even when they basically have a choke hold on thier guys. It gets worse when girls show interest in guys. They, like the *****y americans they are (haha), fear being hurt or falling for the complete *******.
All guys are tested... and its just a reassurance thing. Some girls do, however, go completely insane in that.
I know I used to... and now, I've really grown up in that dep.
So I said I like to flirt. And I do.. and the guy I've got is okay with that. Why? Because if I hug a guy, I won't get pissy about him hugging a girl. If I compliment a guy on thier attire, I am not going to kick him in the nuts if he says to someone "you look pretty today." I don't want to be jealous, because I would never want a jealous boyfriend. I give him lots of freedom, and I think that its the main reason why we do so well together. If one of his female friends has a bad day and he hugs her to comfort her, I understand.. why? Because I do that to my guy friends! And yes, there is a line, and he knows that, and I know that. I would never make out, or even kiss someone affectionately because I am faithful to him. I do love this man, and that word alone is a promise. I trust him to be honest to me, I rarely ask him "what are you thinking?" because I myself have come to understand that thoughts are private, and if they are truly important, they will be said aloud. A lot of girls try to get EVERYTHING they can out of guys because they feel if they know everything, they know their weaknesses." You can't dump me! I know everything about you! I'll tell everyone! "- that kind of cheap kick in the balls effect. Notice, most girls treat their best friends the same way. If there is a lot of bad talking about thier friends, then theres a lot of dishonesty. It all works the same.
Does that help any?


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2003
Reaction score
Re: ok

Originally posted by reclinerox
well of course, i do NOT speak for every female out there, but i will give you my answers to those questions.
I love to flirt. Its in my nature. I love the attention that I get. But if I am really interested in a guy, I will find some way to touch them as much as I can. A guy I just flirt with just to flirt, I make TONS of eye contact with, and someone who I really like? well, I have a hard time even looking them in the face. Its usually a subconscious thing but I get so nervous to look at them! Its really not a "just me" thing, because I've gone over this with a few friends, and they all seem to agree.
(This answers last two questions) When I am trying to help a guy out with girls, usually my first statement is, "girls are malicious." And we are. We play games with guys, test them, to see basically, where guys draw the lines... how far we can push them till they go over the edge. I mean, girls like to see how much freedom they can have for themselves even when they basically have a choke hold on thier guys. It gets worse when girls show interest in guys. They, like the *****y americans they are (haha), fear being hurt or falling for the complete *******.
All guys are tested... and its just a reassurance thing. Some girls do, however, go completely insane in that.
This is pretty interesting despite coming from a girl, which makes this a little suspect just by that fact.

So you're saying that if you're giving a guy lots of eye contact, it is more likely that he is not someone you're interested in but you're just flirting for the heck of it? That's just strange, but to each their own I guess.

I can understand how you will probably have trouble looking at a guy if you're very interested, because that makes sense that sometimes it's hard to look at people you're interested in.

Here's a question though, if you're very interested, are you one of those girls who act like you're NOT interested in order to prevent yourself from telegraphing your interest, and if so, why would you do that? Is it just to avoid getting hurt in case the guy doesn't like you? Sort of like some defense mechanism where the reasoning is basically that you cushion the fall by making it so that if you're not asked out, you won't be as offended or hurt?


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
yea i met this chick in one of my classes where she would flirt w/me by EC and touching my fingers. but i think she was just doint it for fun and not really interested in me, as she didnt really try to conversate w/me.

I do realize that there are some girls where they act aloof or dont give you EC/look away when they are interested.

Especially the conservative girls, they will normally do this.

so basically no EC/look away = I like the guy/ am interested
no EC/look away = im not interested in the guy.

so no EC works both ways wiht women these days, is there any true way to tell which is which ??