Don Juan
Lately I've been dating outside of my race. I'm a black male and in college. The black females outnumber us but the pickings are slim and I'll tell you why. All this pro-thug bling bling crap has ruined my youth. A black woman won't talk to you unless you're fresh out of jail driving a an escalade on stolen 24in rims. YOu're not a real black man otherwise. If you're in college you're worth less until you get your degree. The only reason your stock rises is because they need someone to help raise their kids that they had during the perios that they were too good for you. The average black woman has two kids by the age of 25! The only way around this probnlem is to be light skinned, be an athlete, or look like a model. They've got no time for average or above average joes.
They swear up and down that black men date whites because of some european standard of beauty. The truth is that they chase us away and leave us with no other option unless you want to get bent over. They swear that it has nothing to do with their behavior or their rapidly expanding waist lines. Sometimes you'll see a girl her first semester and think she's cute until you see her second semester. It's not uncommon for them to gain 20lbs in a few months. I'm getting so sick of the attitudes all of the time. IT'S NOT A STEREOTYPE!!! These women think thay can say and do anything.
I find black women more attractive but it's just not working out. I used to say I would never turn my back on black women, but times have changed. They're all hypocrits. They chastise you for your wite woman but everytime you turn around they're chasing some light skinned brother with blue eyes and curly hair. Black men don't want white women, we want any woman that will care about us. They try to say that white chicks are easy but the truth is that we just interact with more white women and have better odds. They may outnumber us 4:1 but white chicks outnumber us atleast 30:1.
In 5 yrs I've only been given a remote possibility of a chance with one girl. I got LJBFed but she's made it clear that we have potential. She's not dating anyone (she's an overachiever focused on school). I'm envied by some guys on campus because she hasn't given anyone else the time of day. Truthfully, the only reason I have a chance with her is because her mother is white and taught her to value relationships, not money.
They swear up and down that black men date whites because of some european standard of beauty. The truth is that they chase us away and leave us with no other option unless you want to get bent over. They swear that it has nothing to do with their behavior or their rapidly expanding waist lines. Sometimes you'll see a girl her first semester and think she's cute until you see her second semester. It's not uncommon for them to gain 20lbs in a few months. I'm getting so sick of the attitudes all of the time. IT'S NOT A STEREOTYPE!!! These women think thay can say and do anything.
I find black women more attractive but it's just not working out. I used to say I would never turn my back on black women, but times have changed. They're all hypocrits. They chastise you for your wite woman but everytime you turn around they're chasing some light skinned brother with blue eyes and curly hair. Black men don't want white women, we want any woman that will care about us. They try to say that white chicks are easy but the truth is that we just interact with more white women and have better odds. They may outnumber us 4:1 but white chicks outnumber us atleast 30:1.
In 5 yrs I've only been given a remote possibility of a chance with one girl. I got LJBFed but she's made it clear that we have potential. She's not dating anyone (she's an overachiever focused on school). I'm envied by some guys on campus because she hasn't given anyone else the time of day. Truthfully, the only reason I have a chance with her is because her mother is white and taught her to value relationships, not money.