Interesting or Funny Stories


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2007
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I need some interesting or funny stories. Just something as fill in bs when talking to a girl that I have already pulled. Or mabye just something funny to say or do or text message just to make her smile ANY SUGGESTIONS???

Keep in mind, this is not to pick up the girl, she's already mine. I just need some fresh and cool ideas.


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2007
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See, whenever I make a post like this asking about a situation in which a girl has already been pulled, I get views, but no responses. This makes me think that a lotta people on here aren't as good as they claim to be.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2009
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Bigtrucker2008 said:
See, whenever I make a post like this asking about a situation in which a girl has already been pulled, I get views, but no responses. This makes me think that a lotta people on here aren't as good as they claim to be.
You can't take stories from someone else and present them as your own, it will not work. That is why nobody is responding. You need to live life and do stuff to get stories.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2008
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mothballs said:
You can't take stories from someone else and present them as your own, it will not work. That is why nobody is responding. You need to live life and do stuff to get stories.
Ditto, although you could pretend to be Tucker Max.

spend like 2 months just having fun and being spontaneous, if you don't have some stories by then... er... what's your definition of fun?


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2007
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Actually you are both wrong or mabye didn't get the idea of what I was saying. Sometimes false stories are good. For example one day I went out to lunch with some friends. Nothing spectacular happened. Later when one of my girlscalled me, I told her I had a female waitress with manly hands who seemed like she had a thing for me. I made a few small jokes about it and then proceeded with conversation. It made the chick laugh, and adding that little detail made things seem a bit more interesting than just lunch.

When you guys grow your alpha male balls, let me know.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2008
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Bigtrucker2008 said:
Actually you are both wrong or mabye didn't get the idea of what I was saying. Sometimes false stories are good. For example one day I went out to lunch with some friends. Nothing spectacular happened. Later when one of my girlscalled me, I told her I had a female waitress with manly hands who seemed like she had a thing for me. I made a few small jokes about it and then proceeded with conversation. It made the chick laugh, and adding that little detail made things seem a bit more interesting than just lunch.

When you guys grow your alpha male balls, let me know.
It's nothing to do with Alpha Male balls. It's common sense.

You're trying to fake being an interesting person. Don't you see the flaw in that? Think of it like good literature. SHOW, don't tell.

I'm not saying go out and become a rockstar overnight. But is there really nothing you can do that will bring up some interesting stories?

I'll throw you a bone, a friend of mine had a birthday recently and as a joke i bought him a giant pepperoni. the allusion was obvious and on the card it said "I know you've been wanting one."

We were at Hooters, and the waitress comes up and is all confused. "Why did he give you a giant pepperoni?" and seemingly she didn't get the joke. It's the perfect opening for him, and thankfully he's comfortable in gaming her and doing the whole "i'm the birthday boy" bit. so when the bill comes we convince him to write his number down to give her.

Of course we're complete ****s to each other when it's a birthday, so i draw a little cartoon c0ck next to the number and watch the hilarity from afar.

Surprisingly, the waitress thought it was hilarious and gave us a coupon to use next time.

There you go. Now what are you gonna do with it?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2009
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Bigtrucker2008 said:
Actually you are both wrong or mabye didn't get the idea of what I was saying. Sometimes false stories are good. For example one day I went out to lunch with some friends. Nothing spectacular happened. Later when one of my girlscalled me, I told her I had a female waitress with manly hands who seemed like she had a thing for me. I made a few small jokes about it and then proceeded with conversation. It made the chick laugh, and adding that little detail made things seem a bit more interesting than just lunch.

When you guys grow your alpha male balls, let me know.
That's not really a story, more of a fabricated encounter.

I don't really need to make **** up though, I've done plenty of living. I have driven across the country both east/west and north/south several times and have several interesting hobbies, and know some interesting people... I also make it a point to try new things whenever the opportunity arises. Those experiences alone can carry me through a good 30-40 hours of solid talking... and when you've got a girl doing 75% of the talking that's a good few months of material if you're seriously dating her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
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At home
Tucker Max!


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
Dude, I think one of you guys is getting it and one isn't.

It's not just about having something to talk about. It's about it being interesting, unique, and funny. If you drove WHEREVER, (north south east west) but don't have a funny story that would entertain as well as intrigue a chick, making her think your one of the coolest people in the world, then its irrelavant to this disscussion. And no, not a "fabricated encounter", more like "putting 100 on 10".

An even better example of what I mean is one time a chick texted me and asked what I was doing. Instead of saying, "I'm eating dinner.", I decided to make it interesting and funny. I jokingly replied back that I was sitting there waiting for her in my leopard skin thong with suspenders....whip cream only on one nipple. She thought it was funny and cute and played along, laughing hysterically the whole time as it went on.

That's the **** I make up.


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2009
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SamePendo said:
Tucker Max! my hero :rockon:

Seriously, he's an hilarious writer. Haha, read some of his work earlier today, completely hilarious.

And on topic:

Look for some mystery method stuff, it's a well known fact that he recommends fake stories FOR BEGINNERS. Then, when you've got your own stories.. problem solved.