Interesting observation


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2005
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Hey guys, this is my first post but I've been studying here and the various gurus for about 6 months.

I have always been interested in success and the traits that enable a person to succeed and climb to the top. I'm a history buff and have analyzed the characteristics of the great leaders, especially those that rose from obscurity to the top. I've also studied the characteristics of real life situations that I encounter every day, most specifically to business situations since I own a business. I've noticed that I was able to pick up and understand the concepts of female psychology quite quickly because they are pretty much identical to success principles. It seems that the traits that a man needs in order to succeed and rise to the top are exactly the traits that turn women on instinctively. The part that I find fascinating is that I'm sure that no one is teaching them what traits to look for, they are just able to instinctively sense them, and must be born with it. I would have to equate it to birds knowing to fly south for the winter or salmon swimming back to the waters they were born in. It's quite a fascinating concept when you think about it.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
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Do tell. What kind of observations have you made on persons traits?

There're a lot of mysteries on this our earth... not least why man usually does not think, and often chooses to act out of fear and emotion like the animals he calls primitive...

Ok I've been reading too much kiyosaki.


Don Juan
Dec 29, 2005
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I would say the core ones are:

1. More aggressive (in relation to goal achievement, not necessarily physical although it can be)
2. Bolder / more courageous- Taking risks that others are afraid to do
3. Smarter - Being able to outmaneuver your opponent.
4. Unwavering determination to win no matter what
5. Stable unshakeable nerves and emotions
6. Extreme level of self confidence in decisions
7. Intestinal fortitude to prevail under any adversity no matter how bad
8. Better people skills - for amassing people behind your endeavors (Likeable)
9. Faster - so you can outmaneuver your opponents.
10. Extreme level of drive and capacity for work
11. Best dressed for conveying status to others.
12. Don't care about approval of others because they consider themselves above others.

A lot of them I would say are directly proportional to testosterone levels. There are some more but I would say they all boil down to three main ones:

1. People skills
2. Drive
3. Intelligence


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by classyguy
I would say the core ones are:

1. More aggressive (in relation to goal achievement, not necessarily physical although it can be)
2. Bolder / more courageous- Taking risks that others are afraid to do
3. Smarter - Being able to outmaneuver your opponent.
4. Unwavering determination to win no matter what
5. Stable unshakeable nerves and emotions
6. Extreme level of self confidence in decisions
7. Intestinal fortitude to prevail under any adversity no matter how bad
8. Better people skills - for amassing people behind your endeavors (Likeable)
9. Faster - so you can outmaneuver your opponents.
10. Extreme level of drive and capacity for work
11. Best dressed for conveying status to others.
12. Don't care about approval of others because they consider themselves above others.

A lot of them I would say are directly proportional to testosterone levels. There are some more but I would say they all boil down to three main ones:

1. People skills
2. Drive
3. Intelligence
Sounds like Hitler :)

Good post and I agree with your findings. Those are skills you can see in many leaders. I also believe that some people develop these traits naturally, but the good thing is that most possess the ability to develop all of these traits consciously.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
Hitler was pretty successful. For a while.

But his case illustrates the fact that too much aggression and risk-taking can cause your whole empire to crash.