AFCs are unlikely to become PUAs, but I do know that AFCs often end up living with vaugely attractive women (7.5+). Now, sometimes these guys are either being played for suckers like she was prego by another guy and scared or being alone, just got out of a bad ordeal with an "abusive man" & wanting help with kids, or sometimes just wants to exploit the (soon to be) poor boy. Other times the girls are just really nice and want to do that whole marriage & kids thing.
Nontheless, tons of AFC-like men do end up with relatively attractive-looking women. The problem is the men are so desperate that they often respond to *any* woman who is even *remotely* attractive and interested, even if she's been divorced twice and has three kids by two-different guys. They will move her in within a week if she's willing. As Frued might say, sometimes a lay is just a lay. No when to say when,bros.
It's worth the time to get good enough at attracting women to select one you really *belong* with rather than ending up 35, divorced 3 times, spending 900$ a month in child support, and desperately hoping you can find just *one more* attractive woman desperate enough to need to use some AFC to feed her kids. OTOH, I think RAFCs need to realize they will have to spend some time with less than perfect women in order to hone their skills. The thing is not to go having babies and faling in love with some woman who came out of a trailor park