Integrate your sexual aggression


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
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So your really a nice guy right?
You don't want to offend that hot babydoll w. your thoughts of ripping her clothes off, throwing her against the wall... and fvckin the sh!t out of her, in ruthless animal lust.

We all do. (AFC's)

And your wondering... I'm so nice. I even consider there feelings, when I suppress and control my animal rapist lust... just to show them how caring and sensitive I am to their feelings.

Let me strike thunder to your world.

That exact concern is the problem.

You see... you think your sexual lust for this beautiful sexy woman, is offensive. Its powerful, advancing, aggressive, etc. So you control, and suppress it. But.......... what your really doing is taking a beautiful natural energy... an energy interested in joining with its opposite polarity, to create harmony, balance, creation, and considering it aggressive and evil. WRONG!

Your natural desire to throw her up against the wall and penetrate her... is life itself looking to LIFE. To mix together with something beautiful and blend, and become more than what it already is.

Only thing about it is... its taken on a vicious quality, through the built up power of your suppression. Otherwise it would be pure beauty. The pure sexual attracting beauty of life, looking to join its opposite essence, for the sake of creation/harmony.

This is the utmost compliment to a woman.
Why else is their every action aimed at enticing and attracting the masculine essence of males. Why else do they doll themselves up, and pucker it?

So you see... next time this "evil, animal, violent" lust comes up... accept, and enjoy it. No matter the magnitude of violent ugliness it takes. The only reason it has taken on such a vicious light... is because of your suppression. You have literally turned a natural attraction and beautiful magnetism of nature into a volcanic ugly violent thing. All through socieities conditioning. FVCK Society!

Allow and integrate this sexual aggression, back into its natural beauty and magnetism.

You wonder why the chick dates the badboy, yet you the NiceGuy scares her away?

Paradoxical... but, so simply understood.
The badboy has accepted this natural sexual lust, thus it still has its beautiful joyous natural attraction to women. Its still a sexy magnetism. Wheras the niceguy it just appears as a warped highly pressurarized frightening phenomena. The suppression has taken a nice fountain, and turned it into a fvckin dangerous firehose. Causing the chick to become uneccessarily cautious of you, rather than throw in her coin, for good luck, lol.

So I tell you once and for all......... accept and integrate your devil of animal kink lust. No matter the sick levels it has amounted to. Start to depressurize that beast... and allow it to radiate on its natural relaxed sexy levels it wants to be. The more you do so........... the more babydolls, will respond and revel in your sexual magnetism. Feeling the turn-on charisma, and charm... rather than being cautiously afraid of you raping them in a dark alley.

A shame the last people on earth "the niceguys" cause this in women, for this sh!t little reason. You can thank the world's "organized" religions for this, boys.

Accept and integrate the insanity of your lust.
It will make you the relaxed magnetic DJ you want to be.



Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
good tip, but don't take this too far and become a rapist


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
I think you misunderstood the exact message.

Rapist are the sick fvckers who have not integrated thier massive repressed sexuality. Thus... it grips them, overpowers them, and they act out in sexual violence and ugliness.

My exact point was... to depressurize the infinite levels of built up animal lust within us. So it is no longer a monsterous potentially violent twisted force.

Your sexuality is your power. Your life, your light.
It should glimmer around you, in all its glory.
Attracting Chicks, like a beautiful natural fountain of your masculinity.

It should not be hidden, and therefore build up into a monsterous force within, warped, sick, violent, and ugly.

This is why nice guys scare the sh!t out of chicks. They're sitting there talking to them, dry as all hell, exuding zero natural sexuality... cause they're repressing it all, out of societies conditionings. Thinking that they're doing the good thing, showing consideration and care for her feelings. WRONG. They're exactly azz-backwards in that notion. All their doing is scaring the sh!t outta her, cause she can see how there's this monster inside of them, that they're trying to control... and its making him nervous, and uncomftorable, etc... in her presence. This massive amount of sexuality wants to flow, and be its beautiful attracting/joining force... but the niceguy has repressed this energy to such levels that now its a sick-twisted beast, possibly to the levels of doing her harm (like rape).

This scares the sh!t outta her. Rather when it should be attracting her... in its relaxed sexy flowing naturalness. Glimmering around the DJ like an aura of sexual power, and beauty.

Its only the s!ck fvckers out there, that are doing this kinda sh!t. Priests, dork-azz fools that get no pvssy etc. If you were to start accepting this "natural" insanity within you... it would integrate into natural sexual attraction, and allure. Women would see you as a flowing natural man. A man of heart, charisma, sexuality. She would know she could trust you, cause you trust in yourself. You trust your own energies, and are therefore a whole (holy) man. She would be attracted cause thats the way nature works. And she would know that you get pvssy, cause she herself is attracted, thus others have to be. And if you get pvssy from other chicks, sub-conciously she would feel safer in that sense to. As in... you probably pull and hang out with other chicks sexually... and alls good.

So... accept and integrate, all the insane sexual lust/violence within you. Accept the thoughts, the feelings, whatever they be........ and alchemize them into your shimmering true DonJuan self. lol


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
Reaction score
whenever you pull some pvssy... its that "glimmer"
Whether it be in your charm, power, command, etc.

So, in response...... its the only thing THAT works.


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
i cant believe no one took this post seriously - lack of sexuality is THE #1 AFC quality, and absolutely the reason why most of you virgins never get laid!!!!
