Listen, meathead, when you make plans with people you have ANY regard for... be them "concrete official date plans" or "offhand, hey I'll meet you at X for a drink or two tonight", it's common courtesy, respect, and regard for another persons' existance to let them know not to expect you when they can't make it.
You do it with your friends, you do it for your family, you do it with business contacts... why? Because you respect their time, don't want them to worry, whatever, people don't deserve malicious treatment - and this is what this is. She knew she made plans, and she knew that she wasn't going to tell you she wasn't coming. There is no "oops, it slipped my mind". Buy a planner, it's not my problem. Get it? Whatever bullsh!t excuse they come up with to justify malicious behavior is just that: an excuse, a cover, a hustle, a lie.
The point here is, if Cosmo told her to play the flake game, shame on her for not realizing how rude it is. If you think for a minute, their is no "flake" equivalent that DJ's do on women. DJ's don't disrespect people like that. Sure, we may to some potentially "doggish" stuff, but I can say that I wouldn't EVER intentionally flake on someone. Why? How do I know? Because I must've held that person in some regard to want to make plans with them in the first place. I must've wanted to be with them, they must've seemed to be of good quality, and potentially had some benefit to my life... if not, I wouldn't have associated with them.
This is the bottom line: If a woman is socially retarded enough to pull that flake crap, and you entertain it, then you are a spineless chump and open the door for more of the same behavior in the future. Why the fux would you stoop to a level where you allow yourself to be treated like that? To get laid?
Ok, let me settle down and give you the straight dope: You don't call to confirm plans. You made them already. The only calls that should be made after plans are made are the ones saying "I can't make it, can we change the plans?" You sure as FUX don't send a text. (In fact NEVER TEXT! There is no reason to, none. You call, you leave what you were going to say in the text on the voicemail, complete with voice inflections and less misunderstandings.) Furthermore, when a woman flakes, you don't call her: she has low IL. Not only that, but she proved to have such low IL, she doesn't even feel it's necessary to treat you like a human being. When you initiate a contact... see Desdinova's signature... you are rewarding her with your attention despite her poor behavior. :nono: When you don't call, you demonstrate that you don't need her. You demonstrate that, yep, that was a nasty, socially retarded thing to do, and now you're gone: you won't tollerate that sh!t.
If she does call, I'm sorry, WHEN she does call (eventually she will, it's like clockwork), she'll most likely be apologetic. If not, she'll be non-chalant, but somehow manage to "sneak" it into the conversation by feeling you out with "hey, what did you do such and such night? Oh yeah? What about (the night I flaked)?"
There are two popular schools of how to go about interaction after a flake. Depending on the severity, and her overall standing with you prior, you can either blow it off, not bring it up, etc. Or, when she manages to bring it up, lay down the law.
In the first instance, ignoring offence and downplaying importance, it is my opinion that this is the softy approach. It's way too hard to pull this off every time - she'll see right through it if you have the faintest little eye-flicker or skewed body language.
Instead, I drop the hammer and explain flat-out that you were offended, how, and why: "I don't need to hang out with socially retarded people that don't have enough regard to rah-rah-rah...". Essentially breathing fire all over their character, leaving them nice and toasty.
Now, here's where people argue "you show her that she affected you".
Yeah, duh, hello, you had fuxing plans with her?!?!
If you hadn't called her, then bumped into her later, or she called you (i.e. started chasing because you jacked her power), then after reading her the riot act for being retarded, be consistant and attempt to leave the interaction on a "I don't give a fux/I'm going to talk to this chick over here now/I have better quality people to devote my attention to" note. This lays out to a woman: You act like this = I act like gone. Period. You disrespect me = I walk. +++It sets the standard right off the bat that bullsh!t disrespectful games are not an option for the woman.+++
Women will chase you down and virtually go psycho apologizing, crying for a second chance, etc. because not only did you tell her she's a garbage-ass-ho right to her face (she'll want to prove that it's not true!), but you also shown you are a MAN, with a SPINE, assertive, confident... rahblahrahhooha... all that stuff a woman WANTS AND NEEDS AND IS ATTRACTED TO IN A MAN. You want to be counter-productive, Miss? Go be counter-productive somewhere else because I'm productive...
over here...
.... selling tickets.