i think the americas have evolved into a new rite of passage era where those who decide to participate do , and those who don't , just don't.
sports , weights, like football and the strong man competition , could it be that women like these sports stars because they are an idol of athleticism and rites of passage ? sports like boxing and ufc are extreme , and reach back into the golden age of being fit, alert, in control of your emotions and even strong enough to the point of fighting to the death , many people compare bruce lee to current mma fighters, however bruce lee would be disqualified as stuff like dislocations , eye gouging and other illegal blows are not allowed. we havent had a war in a long time , but the marines, air force and army act on hierarchy and discipline, one wrong move could get you killed and mean the difference between freedom of millions or billions of ppl. so i guess it is true , the burden of performance is never off of a man shoulders ..