Inner + Outer = Complete?


New Member
Mar 31, 2008
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First of all, hello everybody! I'm new as I'm sure you can tell, and I look forward to some good discussion here. To be brief:

I've been a lurker in the "community" for a little while now, but I've only barely got my feet wet. My game can clearly be upped a couple hundred notches, but that being said, it's not horrible -- I'm definitely trying to take all this stuff one piece of information at a time, as there is so much of it out there that it's difficult to digest it all. Info overload if you will.

In fact a lot of this stuff really rings true with me because I already have some of it down sub-consciously (inner game stuff), and now that I am truly learning about it, I find myself saying "Aha, that's why that works."

So. As I mentioned, my inner game is pretty good. Can always be polished and worked on, no doubt, but it's a lot better off than my "outer" game. I tend to generate a fair amount of attraction by default: I'm not bad looking, I'm in shape, confident, have lots of stuff going on in my life, can hold a great conversation... but my big issues are in the "logistics." Thing is, for the past couple of years, I've spent a lot of time focusing on "other stuff" and not women so much. Not saying I don't have the drive for women ;), but I just haven't made it a priority -- so for the past few months, now that I am starting to get more into it, I am noticing the problem with logistics (kino, dealing with in the moment situations... pretty much all outer game stuff). Definitely need some work.

Being as I am new to all of this, my first and only exposures of main systems and theories are "the Blueprint" from RSD, which seems to be mostly inner game stuff, and the Mystery Method, which seems to be both inner and outer. And of course, random articles and posts from this site.

Anyway, I'm looking for some good solid resources on "outer game." If you have any ideas or insights, links or otherwise, please send them my way!

And again, thanks to you all, and I look forward to participating here.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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What are some outer game things that happened to you that you wish you would have done differently?


New Member
Mar 31, 2008
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reset said:
What are some outer game things that happened to you that you wish you would have done differently?
Hmm. I'd say probably the biggest factor is timing on various things. Initiating kino too late, waiting too long for a # close, etc. I also definitely need to up the expression of my sexuality -- a few girls have actually brought it up! It's not so much that I'm playing a "nice guy," it's more that I'm just not capitalizing on certain things when they are most opportune. E.g., when a kiss would fit in perfectly, I'll start dancing with her absentmindedly or something, when a kiss would be farrr more effective... and then later when another kiss opportunity arises we'll get interrupted by friends or something and then another good opportunity won't arise.

I also suck at more escalated closing. Sometimes I get so caught up in the fun I'm having, that the convo will just go on forever and then all of the sudden she'll have to leave the party or whatnot, and it's the awkward "Well hey give me your number" thing. Not that it doesn't work in terms of getting the number, but it prevents me from escalating any farther *that night*.

That being said, maybe I just suck at escalating.

I'm sure if I do my best to spend a lot more time in the field I will gradually calibrate these things on my own, I was just wanting to learn from some other experiences and what have you.

EDIT: The other thing that just came to mind is dealing with other guys. Not sure what the terminology is (AMOGing, I think?) It doesn't happen too often, but every once in a while there will be another guy who just dominates and shows higher value. On an inner level it doesn't really effect me, but I'm not really sure how to handle the situation logistically. The times I can remember it happening I just either ended up friending the guy, or he eventually came across as a **** and was blown out or similar. Either way though I'd rather avoid both scenarios (not that becoming his friend or him being blown out is a bad thing, per se), and be able to handle it sufficiently and in good time.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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You need to get the woman alone. In bars, the easiest way for me is to get the # and set something else up or leave with them straight to her place.

I agree with somthing Brent says, that is all the other **** you are thinking about is just getting in your own way. Basically, if you cannot ever get her alone, then the odds of you having sex with her are pretty damn low.