Inner Game


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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There's just something about working outside with your own two hands that makes you feel like a MAN again
This is what is meant by Tai Sabaki, or body knowledge, the Movement of the Body RESETS neurology.

This is how you rewire yourself

Imagine what you could do if you trained martial art outside in the sunshine


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
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Interceptor, don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE your posts but sometimes they just aren't enough. They provide information and great information, but sometimes we need to be more forcefully guided into what to do. I know you can't tell someone DO THIS but simply guiding them on a path helps because any action is better than none.

in my opinion inner game definately isn't just about women. Part of it is changing your beliefs reguarding them, and it will definately help attract them, but that's just a small part. Having a solid inner game will help you in all parts of your life. What's the point of being good with women if you always feel put down by guys and haven't achieved success in other parts of your life?

Anyone have any other ways to change beliefs other than affirmations? Hypnotica has a cool NLP technique where you look at one of your limiting beliefs and then imagine yourself in the future: 1 month, 6 motnhs, a year, 2 years, 10 years and 20 years. How has it changed you life? Then you change that belief into a positive belief that helps not hinders and do the same and see the difference. It's is eye opening. Hypnosis, then action to get psoitive refferance points might be a good track. I haven't ever tried tapping, anyone had good results with that?

Tyler Durden mentions something called the 'indifference threshold'. He says that you can't easily change your belief that girls all love you and everyone is friendly without actually going out, and even if you do your previous beliefs will probably cause some negative results anyway. So what he says is to go out enough so that your brain thinks 'hey, I got rejected by all those people, but hey look, I'm still here, alive, surving and with no negative effects'. Once that point is reached it should drastically improve your game and from there stronger beliefs can be formed as you will get a lot more positive results. ...Seems resonable to me


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
reset said:
well they do have men at their fingertips and before I thought that meant they must have good self-esteem, but that's not really the case.

Really attractive women may be so used to being praised on looks alone that they are insecure, wondering if anyone really takes them seriously.
Women living in rural areas and single mothers for example and less attractive women would not have to many men at their fingertips. Maybe they would have men but men they don't feel attracted to or men that are only after sex etc. Either way the women are single and unhappy.

I'd imagine really attractive women would eventually get bored of men putting them on a pedestal. Thats why they go for the bad boys in alot of cases.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
SinJester said:
Anyone have any other ways to change beliefs other than affirmations?
When using affirmations you're supposed to affirm, visualise and feel what you're affirming. It gets easier with practise.

When I'm out in public now I say to myself "everybody loves me"! If you already think that then great, if not try it.