Inexperienced with women. Have a second date with girl at my place. Tips.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Daddy The Pimp said:
Anyway, i don't know why we give this guy advice. He wont apply it anyway, just as he hasn't applied anything from this site for a year.
well if you don't think I'll apply anything why waste your time and comment? I have applied stuff from this site, before I joined this site I had never been on a date. Since joining I go out with several different girls a month, had countless make-outs and a few *******s. Just never had luck escalating to sex. But if your just gonna be negative then don't even comment.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
Kailex said:

Do NOT make the mistake I ONCE did with a girl.
I told myself THIS after bringing a girl to my house:

"I'm going to be different than all the other guys that just want to bang her. I'm going to be good and just makeout and she'll see that I treat her special and want me even MORE."

Boy was I wrong.

After that night we spent together NOT having sex, we never went out again.

A few months later, I found SoSuave and it ALL made sense. And that night was my last night ever as a total AFC.
Good post. This goes back to the essense of the issue at hand. Just some basic facts which I think explain this situation and your situation.

1. Women love action, women love sex as much as guys do! Many men fail to understand this and wonder why a woman pulled the friend card on them although everything was going fine just no real action yet. Why do you think women love soap operas, romantic movies? they love drama and they love the action.

2. Women go through a great deal of anticipation on dates. If a woman agrees to go on a date with you she is already attracted to you and is hoping you will win them over. They want action, they want sex, they want romance but you still have to make the moves and win them over.

3. When they agree to meet with a man at a house they are abandoning the comfort and safety of a public place to be alone with a man (this itself is the biggest signal of interest there is). They go into a man's house knowing full well that action could happen up to including sex and are open to the possibility of action/hoping for some action. Due to societal conditioning and the way women are made you as a man have to make things happen.

4. Women go through a great deal of anticipation on dates and even more so when going to a man's house. If you are at least half a man they anticipate and expect some action. If you fail to escalate all their expectations will come crushing down and will be left in great disappointment. Friend zone, ignoring you, never going out with you again are all likely conclusions to your failure to assert yourself sexually. Like I said earlier women love action, women love sex and if she meets with you alone in a house she is hoping for at least 1.

Look at it this way. If you were to go out with the most beautiful woman in the world on a date and she turned out to be the most hateful, rude, b|tchiest woman you ever met all your hopes, expectations and anticipation you had going into the date would come crushing down. How do you think a woman feels when she leaves her comfort zone and safety of a public place to be alone with you in a house and all she does is watch a movie and eat popcorn with you? She was hoping for more.

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Kal said:
well if you don't think I'll apply anything why waste your time and comment? I have applied stuff from this site, before I joined this site I had never been on a date. Since joining I go out with several different girls a month, had countless make-outs and a few *******s. Just never had luck escalating to sex. But if your just gonna be negative then don't even comment.
I don't believe a thing from your post. Several different girls each month, countless make outs and you still ask this question? wtf bro ?

take action dude, i don't know how come you take my criticism as negativity. Its constructive criticism, which im hoping you can learn something from it and it will give you a slight push to take action. Thats what im aiming for, because there were times where i needed this kind of talk too.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Daddy The Pimp said:
I don't believe a thing from your post. Several different girls each month, countless make outs and you still ask this question? wtf bro ?

take action dude, i don't know how come you take my criticism as negativity. Its constructive criticism, which im hoping you can learn something from it and it will give you a slight push to take action. Thats what im aiming for, because there were times where i needed this kind of talk too.
I ask this question because I've never had a girl over at my place. The thing I took as negative was that part you said about that I'll never take this advice to heart. I didn't have a problem with the rest of your comment.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
So what do you know, she canceled. Claimed that a meeting she had earlier in the day got moved up til like 6:30 or 7. She did ask if I was free later in the week.

Anyway, it's getting sad when I can sense a flake coming. But whatever, doubt I'll see her again (she'll probably just flake again).