I am alittle disillusioned about my approaches, I feel I can approach girls, and talk to them , and yes I can number close if i motivate myself enough prior to the encounter, but my low success rate has reduced my motivation. What i tend to do allot of the time is just do an indirect approach ( eg ask for directions) but the topics of the conversation most of the time stays on this indirect topic because I am afraid to ask her something personal. What I though is, that to solve this problem I could use direct approches where it would seem obivous to her that I am intrested in her from the start (eg. hey you seem intresting, can i tlak to you).. this is ofcourse more risky and such a behaviour would require more motivation. I am also afraid to use such direct approaches at my university campus because if the encounter results in an unpleasant situation then I would run a high probablity of seeing the girl again either at campus or on a lecture.
Now what I've found is that at clubs i do not run into a problem of 'indirect approaches' because if you start talking to a girl there, its obious to her what you want. That's why people get rejected at clubs so much.
Any comments are appreciated
Now what I've found is that at clubs i do not run into a problem of 'indirect approaches' because if you start talking to a girl there, its obious to her what you want. That's why people get rejected at clubs so much.
Any comments are appreciated