indian djs / experienced players....


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
heres the situation.

i am in college and this chick 2 years junior caught my eye. took her number from a friend, called her up making some excuse, then talked to her on chat and one more phone call. wasnt going well.

this went on for like 2 months. communicated with her only 3-4 times. she flaked quite a lot.
i have never talked face to face with her or even said hi. whenever i see here in college, our eyes looks like she wanna say something...dont know. i didnt have the balls to approach or later, even talk to her. (the reason behind this is i have been with like 3-4 girls in my college and although she doesnt know any1 of them, i dont wanna lose out on my future game by being seen in public with her all romantic/lovey-dovey. i have this reputation of being the guy who hits on a lot of girls and its not really serving me well...atleast i think thats the reason). anyhow....

i chatted with her through im yesterday and it all was going well, until something strange happened. i dont know what it was but it ruined everything. i had to do damage control and i think i managed somehow.

anyhow here are my two important queries:

1. do all these principles at sosuave and other dating sites (cold approach, c&f, etc) work in indian environment? and if yes, what the hell am i doing wrong? (for all those, who wanna know the details of indian dating scene, post a question or pm me...precisely, its a lill more conservative than american culture, although its changing fast.)

2. would anyone be kind enough to read that conversation i had yesterday with the girl and point out specifically where i went wrong? (i have a copy of it so i can pm you or mail it to u). experienced djs only plz. i was using a lot of c&f and sarcasm and till this point, i thought i did fine. maybe she's a problem child. any info about her background or mine necessary, just ask me.

help me out guys , seems like i have lost the touch (or never had it). i wanna improve and i wanna practice. (thoughts like my 1st query didnt allow me to participate in ongoing bootcamp).

i am also looking for a mentor. life's pretty f---ed up rite now. looking forward to your support.

thnks guys.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
cmon people. isnt there anyone who could show me the light? i just wanna improve.


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
NW Suburbs...=P
Dude....where in India are you at?
Unfortunately...I'm an Indian guy living in the US so I've only really had experience with what you'd consider as "Westernized" Indian women. I understand the whole thing about women in India being a bit more conservative than women in the US but I'm pretty sure if you don't go off and fall into a friend zone with her then you should be able to escalate once you get her alone with you.
And I'll read your convo,just pm it to me.