- marry/date american woman and pressure others to join in misery, ignore warning signs and cite challenge as main reason to stay, shame others for lack of 'game'. Supress feelings when girlfriend evolves into warpig, hide in garage, talk about football and make things out of wood.
- workout at gym and avoid hobbies, call others manchild and fag, consistently refer to others as 'bra' and use terms such as 'man up' and 'smush!', pop collar, get fake tan and hang out at night clubs.
- live at home and allow radical immigrants to takeover country, learn Spanish, Chinese and Punjab.
- leave other males in 1st world to rot, white race disappears
- live above means and justify being broke because of govt/parents/boss
- only buy brand name because quality comes from a different factory in China
- Get liberal arts degree, invade ESL jobs and shout down teachers with experience because you are a real teacher. Complain bitterly about blue collar workers getting highly paid jobs in own country, quote Shakespeare.
- Support LGBT, shame anyone who disagrees, hangout at Starbucks and tell people gender is a societal construct. Watch as number of marriageable females drops sharply. Watch two lesbians walk by with children, complain about being dateless, take instagram and post on PUA forums, ask for advice.