Not true.Move to cheaper place like Cambodia or Philipines and you can afford it all for 1/10 of price.You lazy whiner ... you are latino ? Move to Nicaragua or Costa Rica and live like a boss there or whine in the USA.Grow some balls.BTW you are not 'poor' you are richer than 99% of human population so shut the **** up.Try living in Africa or Philipines like locals and you will see what it means poor.
You know people dream to live in USA ? Thats still land of success and money, you are too lazy to brain-limited to see it.You arent rich but they are VERY rich people there start to think what kind of service you could provide for them and count your money.Learn some programming, get job online, move to SA, bang chicks, live like boss, and kiss my ass later for this advice.
Yes you are loser if you make 1000$ in USA but if you manage to make same money somehow and move to cheaper place you arent looser anymore - you are the boss there.