In serious need of help to overcome what I think is severe ONE-ITIS, its ruining me.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2011
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To be honest, I don't miss her, if I think realistically, I was getting nothing from her, she was a parasite, talking pleasure from me rather than giving it out.

A lot of DJ's nailed her in one, she's damaged, and C.Xuma said it perfectly, that we "waste 10x the amount of energy chasing her and trying to get her back than it would cost us finding a better girl".

My life hadn't been very fulfilling in the past two weeks, family troubles, a death and what not and many friends moving away to different areas of the country, I guess she affected me more than she should of.

It'll pick up at university, I make friends easy and I meet girls even easier.
Someone said it here before, "a girl shouldn't be a core focus but rather the icing on the cake"

So what if it doesn't go well with one girl either in the approach or the second or third date, **** her, cut her out and move on to the one that does respect you and what you offer.