I wouldn't sure it's even a small chance, not sure what the actual percentage might be. I mean if it was that simple, then it wouldn't be necessary to warn guys about the risk of marriage so much. You could just say "Be alpha, screen well, and go get married". I'm sure most guys think that they will beat the odds, that what they are doing is different. But marriage is still a risk, I don't care who you are.
It works out for some guys, but I don't think there's a way to guarantee you will be one of them. You can do what you can to improve your odds, but the risk will always be there. I don't believe in the attitude "I'm so alpha, therefore no woman would ever divorce me".
Marriage is a risk, LTR is a risk....
In Finance, risk is rewarded with higher returns.
Heck, i could say being Single and Alone is a risk (you pay more tax, have less access to fiscal stratégies, have to handle alone everything, spending are all yours etc)... But if you do well (save, not spend much etc..), you might be " highly rewarded"
I'll challenge the beta/alpha notions here.
First of all: Beta and Alpha are characteristic beyond "single/married"
Knowing that... I can't help but feel Alpha as a guy in a LTR when i go in public/social fonction/networking/friends because i am one of the only human (guy and girl incluses) that's in a LTR.
Everyone comes around us like we some glowing light... The other ltr/married come to share and exchange, the singles to know how we did it (and meet) and talk about their goals.
Society considèrs Alone people to be "losers" .
A Loser can be Alpha (millionnaire-model dating-fit) or a beta (nothing going for him).
Society value people in "LTR and Marriage" ... Heck we even have financial advantage!
Since millenials are the "most lonely" génération.. Being in a LTR/Marriage might become "hero" or "loser" status in a few generation.
Remember, older générations /like OP mentionned... If you weren't married by 20 years old, people thought you were "mentally ill/loser"
Mentalities are changing.. like OP here said that a Man having a happy wife is Beta!
In my opinion, the article showed an ALPHA.
People in LTR/Marriage are ALPHA.
Wikipedia on Alpha: "Alpha animals usually gain preferential access to food and other desirable items or activities, though the extent of this varies widely between species. Male or female alphas may gain preferential access to sex or mates; in some species, only alphas or an alpha pair reproduce - Alphas may achieve their status by superior
physical strength and
aggression, or through social efforts and building alliances within the group. The individual with alpha status sometimes changes, often through a fight between the dominant and a subordinate animal. These fights are often to the death, depending on the animal."
So why the Article show an Alpha: The male made an happy wife, he supported her, he stayed solid to his wife, she made an article about him, he stick 40 years with his wife (women are insane, imagine 40 years with one), he had the capacité to reproduce because he united with a Woman, the wife support by food and sex the husband.
Alpha is being dominant, the husband is being dominant from what i am reading. He's dominating her HEART, so she will be submissive to him.
I am focusing only on the article: maybe he didnt have a great job, maybe she cheated or he cheated, they had up and downs, maybe no kids.
Who cares! At the end of the day, a SoSuave Member made a Thread from this article about how a wife is in love with her Husband through HIS ACTIONS.
That's Alpha.
OP is Beta cause he talks about other peoples

(average mind like Eleanor Roosevelt would say in her quote: "great mind talks ideas" "average mind talks people" )
In conclusion: LTR/Marriage can go up and downs, we are make mistake, keeping a LTR/Marriage requires another Game set entirely and to always be strong in frame.
Society value people in LTR (millenials and up might change that) but see how people judge "the singles ones in their 40+ years" ).
LTR/Marriage can be from the realm of the Alpha.
Again, the concept of the whiteknight and the beta male provider...that's what was "alpha" back before 1960's...
People mentality are often "late to the events" (like in the stock market... People all want to jump and buy when its at the top and they want to sell at the low.. Which is the worst thing to do)....
WhiteKnight and provider was everything a woman sought back in the days.
From my Wikipedia définition of Alpha, an Alpha: Provide, Support, Has ressources he uses to have social power and sex.
In the past: A knight used to be an elite soldier of noble descend.
A Wife use to be in the home and make babies (house wife) and had all the control of the finances (budget from her man income) and the home arrangement.
In our modern world: Everyone is equal.
So to reproduce, you need more Alphaness especially when the female consider themselve "traditional male".
LTR are a mix of feelings and having a common goal/vision..a projet (lasting one). Its defining those that helps a couple work and thrive.
From expérience, even including in my own LTR... We care, we feel but it's also about making something together (she wants to be a mother, i want to make a familly and be stable in my love life while focusing on my work while she take care of the home etc...)... All couples who Respect, Care and are clear with each others intentions tend to last (as long these intentions remains and both are on the same page looking in the same directions.
According to statistics: People who marry at 30+ in our 2000's générations tend to stick together longer
Back in the days 1960+ and below... At 18 you were an adult with your life set for you (you knew your rôle and destiny).
Today, if you are "an adult" at 35 years old you made it!... People grow up shower now (people with university degrees start their life around 30), Male are starting later in life "their alpha rôle" ... While women are biologically still driven to have kids before hitting the wall while "jungling with the modern éducation system of late-bloomers" and "low-T male" with a society telling them "to be man"