Hey guys. Well I have been doing well with the ladies lately, but I need some help with this one. Here's the story, last year I was going to a meeting with my college guidance counselor to schedule classes. I got there alittle early and when Im walking up to the sitting area I see a gorgeous and I mean GORGEOUS girl sitting down. I was feeling good that day and just went and sat beside her. We started talking and had a great conversation for about 20 mins. I should have number closed but was thrown off when my counselor came out and said he was ready to see me. I know this is not an excuse and I kick myself everyday for not getting her number. We said our goodbyes and that was that. I don't do much gaming with facebook, but we became friends shortly after that. Pretty much I didn't really talk to her as I was seeing a few girls throughout the year. So now it's this year and I really hadn't talked to her in awhile. I didn't even know if she would remember me so I wasn't sure what to say. Anyway, I ended up messaging her on facebook responding to this comment she said about not seeing a certain video she loved but couldn't find. Well being the DJ that I am lol I knew the video she was talking about and sent it to her in a message just saying "thought you might wanna see this haha" and gave her the link. She responded the next day saying something along the lines of "YES!!! Thank You!
" So I sent her a message saying no problem and made a quick comment about the video. My question is what should I do next. I wanna ask her out but in reality we have only talked once face to face and that was a year ago. I tried breaking the ice with the message and she seemed happy but Im not sure what to do? Maybe just try to keep the conversation going and maybe see if she wants to meet up sometime or maybe I should invite her to a party or something? I just don't wanna creep her out or anything. I usually am pretty forward but I really see potential with this girl and don't wanna mess it up lol. Thanks for the advice!