DevanE said:
I first wanted to be a Graphic Designer or do something in Art because I liked to draw and am good in it and well after I saw A LOT of people struggling on that I decided to not do that.
because you are a lazy idiot.
DevanE said:
Well after looking into it and seeing A LOT of people struggling for that and not having a job available it kinda disheartened me.
because you NEVER had any heart to begin with.
DevanE said:
I learned that sometimes what makes you happy isn't necessarily the right thing to do. Sure you might want to break that guys teeth over their but is it worth it...?.
DUMBEST ANALOGY EVER !!!! what does violence have to do with choosing work that makes you happy in the long run ???
Lots of losers who don't succeed always say the same
shit, "its not about being happy its about having financial stability, and doing things that make you happy can't give you a good financial future"...because guys like you give up at the first sign of hardship..and that causes you to FAIL EVERY TIME (kinda like an afc approaching one woman and getting turned down)
DevanE said:
Persistance is the key!! just stay with don't have ANYTHING to loose!!! Just invest your time wisely.
its easy to say the right thing..but your actions and mentally suggest that
this goes for the rest of you lost sheep reading this..if you have a genuine passion for something (within reason) you can succeed. Once you start getting scared about what could happen if you fail and show you are a pu
ssy that doesn't know how to handle life's opposition is when you run into either commit or you don't...If you commit, be prepared to work..thats the bottom line.
as for the OP,
Fred Da Head, gave you all the information you will need, Pony up son, and be a man.