In a rut - Any light possible at the end of this tunnel?


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
Reaction score
glendale, ca
great advice-

also, wanted to emphasize a point from bay area but in a more generalized way:

MAKE A CHANGE... sometimes all it takes is: ANY (literally) CHANGE! make something different and see what happens.

sometimes, when nothing's working out, try to just make SOMETHING HAPPEN... almost ANYTHING happen. just get out and kick around and just try to get something to happen.

sometimes just doing ANYTHING will bring about unintended consequences and multiplies your possibilities.



Don Juan
Jul 12, 2006
Reaction score
Well guys, I haven't been back to this thread until now but wanted to let others know that after reading around online for a while I came across the stylelife challenge which basically is like a bootcamp which made me feel that sarge of "empowerment" and feel as though there was actually light at the end of the tunnel. I started feeling better to the point of deciding to cnacel the appointment I had scheduled with my psychiatrist where I had planned to get on meds. I'm going to just try to start working on what I feel to be the root of my problem (lack of social skills) and hope everything else to fall into place. I mean, if I get good at social interactions that should get me male friends and a girlfriend I assume? I would be able to build a social network which would ultimately make me happy I believe.

The best way to get yourself out of this rut is to make a change. If u just sit at home and think about how horrible your life is it will remain the same for a lot longer. I was very serious about the affirmations. They help soooooo much. At first it will be very hard but it gets easier and easier as time goes on. Then you start to notice a serious change. Start waking up earlier in the morning and go for a run. This clears the mind. While your running try to visualize the way you want your life to be. Visualize it until you start to get so excited that you get a feeling of empowerment in your stomach. I know this sounds very corny but it helps alot. You asked for advice from us so dont just read it and dismiss it. Take ACTION and you will notice a huge change. Feel free to send me a message if you need some support. I'd be more than happy to help! Take Care
Yes, I couldn't agree more. I have been making changes in the past few days and due to the style life challenge have been out there socializing with strangers, waking up at good time, got new clothes, etc. I think this style life challenge was a good step in the right direction for me.

I've had muscle twitches for the last year.
Where are your muscle twitches? I made a thread about this in two other forums I believe if you are talking about the same thing as me.
I'm feeling better but this twitch is annoying the crap out of me!