

Master Don Juan
May 14, 2005
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I've noticed, in my school at least, that high school girls base almost EVERYTHING on first impressions. It's really silly at times, but being so fickle, they take little to no time learning about someone they intend to date, but getting to know them first risks getting put into the "friends" zone, which is the point of no return.

I was pondering this, and figured that being able to set up a formidable first impression is an amazingly powerful tool, because it sets you up for them to be interested, from which you can actually get to know them. As such, I've compiled a list of things a high-schooler can do to assist the way a total stranger would look at them:

- Be clean. Obviously, if you're dingy wearing raggedy shirts, you're not going to go very far. I personally often wake up late, or simply don't care, and wear a shirt that's too big, too small, or has some impurity that isn't huge, but is pretty noticeable either way. Though it may not seem to matter, how do you feel when you see a random person with a stained shirt?

- Be charming. Well, there's plenty of posts on that.

- Play an instrument. I cannot tell you how many times that has saved me. I play the piano, and almost every single girl who has seen/heard me play has talked to me, hot or not. Granted, I wasn't looking for a relationship, so I just chatted with them, made a good friend from this violinist who's really hot but for whom I just don't have a sexual attraction. Instruments drive girls/women crazy, and it frequently doesn't matter how good you are, since most don't play and therefore can't tell whether you are proficient or not (granted, even babies can tell the difference between a pianist who's been playing for 12 years and someone playing for two months, so NEVER play when someone good has just done a performance). That's another quirk I've found: since girls are so fickle, they tend to judge people by what they can do, and not who they are, because it takes so much time to really know a person. Therefore, avoid letting yourself fall short by getting schooled by a much better player! Granted, musical instruments are your best friend. I have one buddy of mine, at school, who literally has no girl skills: he's not subtle at all, comes on too strong 9 times out of 10, and is a horny monster, so he scares most sensible girls away (and he's not really a looker either, so...). Yet, his 13+ years of piano have made him a god in the eyes of most people around school, and boy has it paid off.

- Be smart. Not street smart: be intelligent. I'm on the debate team at school, so I've learned to quickly recognize when someone knows what they're talking about. Be well versed in things, so that if, for example, a discussion arises in English class about the themes and motifs of "Crime and Punishment", you can actually give a sensible answer concerning the Ubermidtch (can't spell it) theory! A girl who's never talked to you before, but sees you answering a question that would have left her speechless comfortably is certainly going to be impressed. Don't overdo it though: I've suffered from overdoing it many times. Don't, ever, ever, flaunt your knowledge. Everyone, not just girls, will turn on you, because humans become defensive when someone flaunts something unattainable in front of them. For example, if you know an answer to a question, by all means, answer it, but don't be condescending, don't jerk your hand in the air as if you'll die if you don't ask the question, and don't ever say (I did this once in freshman year, this girl still won't talk to me), "how do you NOT know that???" However, someone who appears intelligent is definitely a plus

- Act laidback. By this, I don't mean put up your legs in Calculus and chew gum: rather, make little comments with the teacher that are amusing, or act relaxed when in a conversation. I have a friend at school who's trademark is going up to the science teacher and having staring contests with her. He's very comfortable around teachers, more so that me by far, but a lot of people who don't even know him ASSUME he's outgoing because they saw him do this. A plus for sure.

- Flaunt a special talent: This is where you should show off to the maximum. If you're a master chess player, nerdy as it may seem, arrange a chess match in front of your current target, or in a class she's in. People generally flock to a chess board, if only to watch, and if you maul the opponent, so much that people go, "wow, this guy is amazing", it's a plus. Another personal experience: I played chess in fourth period math while my math teacher was in a seminar. A girl who I didn't particularly go after, but who was still pretty hot (she has really, really, really, really smooth skin, it's wierd) watched, and after I mugged this sophomore, sat down and asked for a match. The whole time, I put on a light smile, and stared straight at her. She was a bit uncomfortable at first, but then seemed intrigued, so much so that she didn't realize that I ws destroying her backline. Leaning forward worked well for this trick, since you get closer. If you excel at some other area, especially sports, make it known! If you're the next Lebron James, for goodness' sake, dunk on somebody, publicly, so people know you can do it. Flaunting is ok here, because you're trying to show off something amazing, however, if you show off excessively, or rub it in people's faces, you risk antagonizing them.

- Show off quirks. If you have a Star Wars collection at home, DON'T say it publically, but if you know German, slip it into something. When I'm around people, especially girls I am fond of/wouldn't mind hooking up with, I will call my dad and say things in French. Everyone turns their head, and say, "oh wow, he speaks fluid French!" French is a popular language, in that people are swooned by it easily, more so than Arabic at least, but if you know something else, make it known. If you can dislocate your shoulder at will, do it: don't make it seem wierd, but just insinuate something that would make someone pose the question, and pop your shoulder in and out. Even if someone is disgusted, you still stand out.

If you do this well, you'll not only be popular, but give off good impressions to people who have only seen you or heard of you, and that can make all the difference. Imagine if the first thing that came to a girl's mind when she heard your name was

-You're great at Chemistry
-You can play the guitar
-You dress well

Nothing lifebreaking, but what if she answered the same question with

Who's that?

Not quite the same. This is ironic, because this is my first post and its pretty much didactic...well, learn what you can from it! Remember though, this isn't a fixed system. Don't pay for piano lessons and take French classes just because I said this, but take these things into consideration, and show off any unique facet of your being.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Everyone makes a judement on first impressions.

How else does one attain a job? Do you think one spends time with the manager in order to build up credability?

All you have is one shot. Make it your best. Follow the aforementioned advice.

It provides the fundamentals for a typical High-Schooler.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Not bad...
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Not bad. You forgot:

bulk up and get muscles . Two of the most important factors. I'm the guy with the best body in the year, and every girl is checking me out when i'm in a vest top.


Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
- Play an instrument. [/B]

And for the people that cant play/wont play an instrument, Pick up a hacky sack.Its a great way to work the body,from your legs to your balance.Girls always want to join a circle when we have a good one going at lunch break.And its a great way to make friends.


Don Juan
May 15, 2005
Reaction score
A hacky sack is a small bag filled with sand or beans,or any other type of filler.You can find alot of info about them at .Sorry about not clearing this up,and hope this helps more join the fun.


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2005
Reaction score
Wow, my first post is bible-worthy? I'm humbled!

I wouldn't know about bulking up though, because I've always been tall and skinny, and my muscles never get bigger no matter what I try. I like the lean look though!


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
void likes it ...except for the chess part haha.
i play guitar and football :D


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Void
void likes it ...except for the chess part haha.
i play guitar and football :D
Nothing likes it?

Your such a void... :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
yep. my No-Life cereal campagin...


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Void
yep. my No-Life cereal campagin...
What the hell are you talking about?

Your SUCH a void...

For the record: That name REALLY suits you.