It has been said that a woman know within five minutes of meeting a new man where he rates in her to do list ( 1st, 10th, or somewhere around 2000). Probably in reality, the time frame is even shorter than that. What is important to know though, despite how good your game may be, if you can not make a positive impression within that time, you will probably be SOL.
What you need to do to prevent this is to develope an Image. A redidly decribed construct of who you are and what you are all about that is easily understandable. The goal is to honestly represent yourself for who you really are in the best posible manner.
I say honestly, because in reality, not all women are going to be attracted to you. That is just a fact. So really, it is just better to concentrate on those who appreciate your values. I mean why bother with women who could care less or worse about what you think is important.
The way to do this is through Acting.
Okay, stop laughing.
The goal of every actor is create a character that is not only appears real to the audience but also to build an emotional/intelectual impact as well. Good actors are masters at creating images for us absorb. Think of Robert Deniro, Samuel L Jackson, Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson. While all of them have played roles which are very far from who they are in real life, they have made them so real that we did not doubt their authenticity in the role.
That is your job as a DJ. To create an image so strong, that she has to keep talking to you. That she can't help but be facinated. With that in place, the you can unleash your game on her. But you have got to make her receptive first.
Image is really just another form of communication. To simplfy, it is everything that you don't say. Image comes from the way you walk, the way you dress, the entrance you make, to the way you talk. I think it has been said enough on this site about the importance of body language and non verbal communication.
So how do you create an Image?
First off, what you are not doing is misrepresenting yourself. If you are trying ACT like a Alpha Male but don't feel you are, then people will see through you. While not everybody can recognise a good actor, everyone knows a bad one.
So the first thing before all is to know yourself. You need to develope an image that is congruent with who you are. This can be dificult, but can be done. The reason being is that most of use are not really good enough at acting to keep it up for long periods of time. The second is that even the best actor can be miscast. So don't try to be things that you possible can't be.
Once you develope this idea of you you are, you the need to know what you want. This is called motivation and drives the actions of the character. Rocky wants to go the distance with champ. Luke wants to get off Tatoinne and fight for the Rebels. You want get into Jessica Alba's pants. Etc. I think you get the point. The idea is that you want to have a motivation that has a little more depth than just getting into JA pants. Maybe you will only accept the best, or your a rebel and won't be held down by the man, whatever. You need a motivation that has some impact to it, so that people will be forced to respond. And that is what every good actor is looking for, response from the audience. Positive or negative, Response is the only way they know if they have made an impact.
Next: The major Acting Styles and how they work
What you need to do to prevent this is to develope an Image. A redidly decribed construct of who you are and what you are all about that is easily understandable. The goal is to honestly represent yourself for who you really are in the best posible manner.
I say honestly, because in reality, not all women are going to be attracted to you. That is just a fact. So really, it is just better to concentrate on those who appreciate your values. I mean why bother with women who could care less or worse about what you think is important.
The way to do this is through Acting.
Okay, stop laughing.
The goal of every actor is create a character that is not only appears real to the audience but also to build an emotional/intelectual impact as well. Good actors are masters at creating images for us absorb. Think of Robert Deniro, Samuel L Jackson, Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson. While all of them have played roles which are very far from who they are in real life, they have made them so real that we did not doubt their authenticity in the role.
That is your job as a DJ. To create an image so strong, that she has to keep talking to you. That she can't help but be facinated. With that in place, the you can unleash your game on her. But you have got to make her receptive first.
Image is really just another form of communication. To simplfy, it is everything that you don't say. Image comes from the way you walk, the way you dress, the entrance you make, to the way you talk. I think it has been said enough on this site about the importance of body language and non verbal communication.
So how do you create an Image?
First off, what you are not doing is misrepresenting yourself. If you are trying ACT like a Alpha Male but don't feel you are, then people will see through you. While not everybody can recognise a good actor, everyone knows a bad one.
So the first thing before all is to know yourself. You need to develope an image that is congruent with who you are. This can be dificult, but can be done. The reason being is that most of use are not really good enough at acting to keep it up for long periods of time. The second is that even the best actor can be miscast. So don't try to be things that you possible can't be.
Once you develope this idea of you you are, you the need to know what you want. This is called motivation and drives the actions of the character. Rocky wants to go the distance with champ. Luke wants to get off Tatoinne and fight for the Rebels. You want get into Jessica Alba's pants. Etc. I think you get the point. The idea is that you want to have a motivation that has a little more depth than just getting into JA pants. Maybe you will only accept the best, or your a rebel and won't be held down by the man, whatever. You need a motivation that has some impact to it, so that people will be forced to respond. And that is what every good actor is looking for, response from the audience. Positive or negative, Response is the only way they know if they have made an impact.
Next: The major Acting Styles and how they work