I'm uncofident, shy, depressed, and have never even spoken to a girl


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2008
Reaction score
1 more thing I should just add from my own experience. If you feel frustrated, mad, sad, tired, exhausted, etc. LET IT OUT! Trying to keep cool during the situation is good and all, but don't hold all those bad feelings in. Like someone here already posted you will make A LOT of mistakes and YES you will feel like ****. Now, it's necessary you learn to keep your composure during the moment, but you need something to take out all that hell on. Go running, workout, have a hobby something that YOU yourself can enjoy and no one bothers. This will keep you from dropping into depression, giving up, angers and frustration. Remember that YOU are the important factor in this equation. Take care of yourself first above anyone else.


Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Thank you again for all the advice since my last post. I checked out those youtube videos and they really inspired me.

I've really noticed a change in the direction of my thoughts since I posted this topic, and I can honestly say I feel as if they're for the better.


New Member
Jul 27, 2008
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Man, I know how you feel, but you've got to expand a bit. Tell us a bit more about your story, which can give us clues as to where you're coming from. All I can say is, good luck on the journey. There's a ton of good advice here.

Sin Verdad

Don Juan
Jul 9, 2006
Reaction score
Have you used online dating sites before. Or going to the bar. If someone evens pays you a little bit of attention than latch on. Don't discriminate on your first you can do that later, but that's a discussion for another thread!


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
PigAdlemPimp said:
If you are too shy to approach and talk to girls try this, it cannot fail.

The next time you are served by a hot babe at a shop, say "Your Hot" gorgeous, beautiful, pretty, stunningly attractive, etc as you are about to leave.

Don't look back at the girl whilst you are walking away, just leave and look straight ahead of you.

If the girl likes you she will reveal it the next time that she sees you in the shop.

It is impossible to get rejected doing this.
Wrong. You most likely ran away from it and the next time ya'll meet, you're in the creep category. Worse than the friend zone.


New Member
Aug 2, 2008
Reaction score
Love, not sure if your completely flaming or just slightly exaggerating...

I'm in a very similar position to you: unconfident, shy, depressed, been a while since I spoke to girls, and it's not uncommon for me to go weeks without talking to any girl (forget hot girls).

And I'm 21 years old. To make things worse, the rest of my life is pretty messed up too (doing poorly in school, no great career prospects, not even any close male friends).

I've been lurking for sometime, and your post finally snapped me out. I finally registered, and realized that a more active role may help us improve. There is great advice here and elsewhere, I just haven't been pushing myself at all.

I must have read hundreds of posts, tips, and FRs, but as long as I go back to jerking off/playing video games, the best advice is meaningless.

Love said:
Please help me
I can't offer any help, but if you're being serious, I can at least assure you that I'm in there with you. Let's make the commitment right now, to getting better.