It is the common experience of those who fast that their spirits are immediately lifted. They have a clarity of mind, a confidence, brightness and a lightness of spirit that comes when the toxic burden begins to lift. They routinely sleep 'better than they have for years,' awaked refreshed with less time in bed, and have a more optimistic and positive attitude regarding themselves and others. They are much nicer people to 'live with.'
They will also be more ambitious, picking up on tasks that they have long neglected. They will have enthusiasm and confidence that they haven't shown for a long time. They will be more energetic and adventurous, more loving and kind. They will be a much better person as the burden is lifted from their bodies, minds, hearts and spirits.
This is not a surprising phenomenon, because we know that the body of truth by which we operate is 90% perception. When our 'perceiving mechanism' is healed, our view of who we are and what we are about in this world, and out perception of other people may be drastically changed.
We feel like standing taller and 'looking the world in the eye,' rather than cowering in misery and defeat.
Medical science faces tremendous limitations when it comes to healing the brain. The complexity of this organ allows only the most basic intervention. Prescription drugs can have dangerous side effects because of the brain’s delicate balance. Fasting may be the most sensible route to healing mental disorders. It is well known that the brain, if given the opportunity, has a capacity of healing. Fasting will intensify the healing. I have seen a mentally deranged person stabilize in three days of juice fasting. Severe headaches have been cured many times Memory and concentration have been permanently improved. Fasting has also healed depression.