I'm stuck... or am I ?


New Member
Apr 4, 2006
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Hey guys, I'm new here and guessed i could share this nowaday story with y'all guys. You'll see why.

It all begins with me being a Dj, not working so bad, had its lot of girls and all. Then, someday as I was at a girl friend's place (where I should not have been) making her a surprise I met this amazing girl... This girl which is a long time friend with the friend i was fixing the surprise...

well y'know the rest of the story... I didn't "fall" for her at first, I just felt very attracted (thinking : I must get her). At some point I was close to but it was at a party, I took her outside we talked AND suddenly I discovered she had a girlfirend, told me how he was a bastard and that it was not going well between them. One week later she wasn't with him anymore.

We started seeing each other much more often but somehow it was always with my/her friend and we started making a "little group" or something.
At that moment I felt : "Good lord, i'm going to be stuck !". Well I tried to go out with her just the two to us but as she "never possibly could", I dropped it.

Nevertheless I was still thinking of her. I saw her from time to time as if we were "friends" but then her attitude towards me is changing, she's showing some signs : she's doing much more kino, allusive looks, etc...
So (yah I know...) I tought : "Let's go!". I started my DJ clockwork on schedule again :cheer: ...

But she's not going to get out with me, she says we can see each other without any ambiguity. So I drop it again.
She calls me from time to time.

And a month ago I started seeing her a lot more often and decided (as i was helping her move some furniture and all at her place) to try to make her attracted to me doing eye-contact/smile things, sensual kino and all => what I would usually do to pick up a chick.
And it worked, greatly actually but these last days I think she started reconsidereing the whole thing... And as I missed an opportunity to kiss her (well let's say we were on a street where cars were passing by my nose a lot speedier thant what would have made me comfortable) I dropped it like the other times.

And i didn't call her despite her texts on my cellphones or her questions asking me how I was and what was I doing.
Thing is I went out twice to a bar where I would have actually asked her but without letting her know I was going there.
When she learned it she felted hurt (but hey what the hell) and she told me last monday that she would have appreciated me calling her to at leat let her know. But I could see she was hurt and I pretented I didn't give a crap and that it wasn't my fault but her friend's but that I was really sorry.
Still she was a little bit cold with me not to say a litlle bit close....

After that day I decided I needed the two of us to talk this whole thing trough and make some choices... I called her today to tell her that. I scared the hell outta her but I assured her that it was nothing serious just "some business we need to be clear on".

So here I am, wondering what to tell her and if I made a mistake but i really like this girl and would not like to lose her. So I'm stuck should I say "i want us to be friends" or should I try "my ol' gambla stuff" ?
Even so, what can I tell her ?

So guys what do you think ? Was i a complete wuss on this one or what ?


Master Don Juan
Jan 13, 2002
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Wbbarrie said:
...So here I am, wondering what to tell her and if I made a mistake but i really like this girl and would not like to lose her....
So guys what do you think ? Was i a complete wuss on this one or what ?
You invested too much time and effort by thinking too much about different possibilities and "perfect" situations where you'd have it all work out in your favor. Cars going too fast? WTF? I'd give her a kiss on a friggin' airstrip with planes landing and taxiing around if I felt like it. Don't use excuses for failures, ever. :nono:
Move on. Go date other women. It's the best advice you can get, because yes, you're quite stuck, and she doesn't seem to have the balls to LJBF you yet. Keep not making progress in a sexual way, and she'll do it. Next date, I bet. So if you don't want to feel embarrassed or rejected, you can:
a) go out with her and go for the whole nine yards; or,
b) go date other women.
I'd rather do the latter.


New Member
Apr 4, 2006
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Well you're probably right !

What's LJBF anyway ?

To tell the truth I actually was doing plan b) coz I really hate to be stuck with one woman, I guess that is the explanation to all this.

Maybe I'll try plan a) anyhow...


Master Don Juan
Nov 21, 2005
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Lets Just Be Friends... LJBF