PlayHer Man
Burroughs.. the p*ssification of men seems to be getting worse by the hour. White knightery is deeply ingrained in western culture and gets deeper with every generation.Burroughs said:
Women are meant to be the bound and owned property of men their entire lives the way a horse or a dog is....and to be treated kindly in return for loyalty
this is how it was in all civilizations with few exceptions for the last 2 million years.
only in the last 120 years have full rights been given to women.....we see now what kind of full retard move that was.
that men don't understand and demand female subservience in all things is the chief reason for modern man's weakness, retrograde development and faggot ways
Its not that hard for me to find a men in his 60's or 70's that has no problem slapping a hoe. But talk to most 20-something men and their eyes pop out of their head
A few days ago I was with a group of friends and they made a few prison rape jokes. So I made some jokes about women getting date-raped. You should of seen the 180 they did. Their faces turned SERIOUS. These men joke about their own gender getting raped but become white knight faggots when you bring women up :crazy: :crazy: