I'm sorry if this is more of a rant.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score
Montreal, PQ
Call me an idiot, or anything. I still feel compelled to post away: at least I'll try to make it somewhat enjoyable. I'd like to thank this forum for giving me a few good laughs.

Yes, it has to do with being LJBFed.

So I meet this hot chick at university. We both have similar trips, speak german. I decide I want her and (rookie alert) I immediately ask her out. Predictably, I was rejected, but still kept on being good friends with her; if anything it made me want her even more. Still, I said to myself "to hell with it" and ran after other ladies. To no avail.

During christmas time she comes at my place and we decide to watch Pulp Fiction. No sexual tension whatsoever until back at school, I notice her eyeing me more, following me during recess and chatting me up. I ask her out again: bingo. Since then we've had four dates, during which time I got her to sleep at my place. As I had my hands on her hips she let me know she was going to sleep in the guestroom. Next date, I get LJBFed after I paid for the meal (which, by the way, sucked).

Now I'd like her to understand something: I can't help it. I can't be friends with her. I want to have sex with her. And when she tells me stupid bull in class like "Sit behind me! You'll get a view of my neck!" - after she rejected me - it makes me want even moar to have sex with her. Go figure why I flaked on accompanying her to this german community meetup. Jesus christ.


New Member
Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score
Sounds like you're getting push-pulled by her, whether or not she is meaning to do it or not....this seems like a classic case of cat string theory. You've got to keep her guessing. I'd start talking to other girls. She'll notice.


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Starc's right
Don't focus on her, start talking to other girls man


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, North Carolina
She is definitely testing you.

When you initially asked her out then rejected you, and you ran after other women.. that got her attention. When it comes to women, attention is currency.

She came back to your place, watched Pulp Fiction (a great movie, BTW).. and later followed you around, eyeing you, and initiating conversation.. these are signs of a rising interest level. But I feel that you shouldn't have asked her out.. again. Think about it.

If you had continue to pursue other chics, and made this one wonder about you and keep following you around.. you probably would have nailed her. You don't have to be someone's boyfriend to have sex with them. Women will fvck anyone that she has high interest in, this is why chics will CHEAT on their boyfriends.. happens all the time, which shows that you didn't have to be this chic's boyfriend to bang her. Infact, one of my beliefs is that.. once you have a girl's interest, all is takes is a "relationship" to kill it.

I find it funny that she'd tell you to sit behind her in class so you can get a good view of her neck, LOL! This is obvious that she craves your attention, and figures that she doesn't have to be with you to get it. You've gotta focus your attention elsewhere. She has to starve. Maybe this will put things back in your favor. And remember, you don't have to be her boyfriend to get the pu55y. You'll probably have more success if you avoid being the boyfriend. Good story tho.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Four dates and no sex? I'd delete her number just on principle.

Enormous waste of time. If a girl goes on dates with me AND sleeps in my bed, AND follows it up with no sexual release whatsoever? She's playing games. And you don't have time for games.

She sounds like an attention wh0re. Stop giving her the attention she craves. And only acknowledge her if she's calling you at midnight to make a trip to your bedroom. Never pursue her. Never pay for ANYTHING for her.

Better yet, just forget her.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score
Montreal, PQ
Oh, man. I got so much to learn. This is actually pretty exciting (and a good cure to one-itis, which is a great term, btw).

One last question, though: what should I answer if it becomes obvious I'm flaking or just not accepting her invitations, pushing her into asking me why? Should I tell the ugly truth of my not wanting to just be friends?

Thanks for the tips. Eager for more reading. Will update this post if anything ever happens.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
I don't understand why you pay any attention to the words coming out of your mouth. Just bang her, no matter if she wants you to be a friend, a roomate, a buddy, a lawyer, a doctor. IGNORE. BANG.

The RSD guys call it a "CUT THE SH!T, TIME TO FVCK" mentality.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
HolyG said:
The RSD guys call it a "CUT THE SH!T, TIME TO FVCK" mentality.
"Cut the ****, time to ****!" Is Jeffy's standard quote. It's more of a LMR thing, but epic nontheless.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score
Montreal, PQ
Okay. I've been starting to notice other ladies around the campus. One of them caught me, so to say, red-handed, as I had my eyes on her ass (which was a very enjoyable sight). Being a total AFC before coming to this place, I thought the looks she gave me afterwards were just normal, but then I ran into her yesterday. She looked into my eyes, then looked down, in the meantime running her hand through her hair. I know where she works and I will be chatting her up as soon as next week.

Then there's this other girl. A blond student with hair down to her arse. She lives actually a few blocks away from mine and she keeps smiling to me in class. She also loves to talk and I barely have to say anything: "Wow, cool!" "Yeah, I kinda think the same!". She looks like she wouldn't have a goddamn clue if I were to flirt with her, though, as if she was buried up to her forehead in schoolwork.

Then there's the lady who spawned this very thread. I've not been ignoring her, but I only go as far as acknowledging her presence (we're in the same classes and we are both part of the student association. I figure going Ganji on her would be, at this point, socially unappropriate). The nod, the occasional smile, and I answer if she speaks to me. She started calling me "my dear" and basically tries to get my attention: Calling my name in a very needy tone and asking me to accompany her to the grocery store to buy food for the upcoming student party. Yes. Still calling me "dear". Needless to say, I'm too busy for accompanying her on errands.

Party was dead boring, by the way. Left after two hours.