I'm sorry but I just cant go after a chic that isn't feeling me.......

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
I don't see the point in the "chase"...

Women choose men..

At best you give women your own signals indicating interest,then approach if reciprocated,and give a lil 20 minute convo back and forth chit chat and get the number..

Anything other than that is BS..She doesn't pick up for a few days,move on.She re-schedules the date constantly..move on.She plays the jealousy game..move on...

There is no point to that...if she really liked you those games will not be played for long..

"Working for their affection"...please..That's exactly what they want guys chasing and them getting their ego's stroked in exchange for no pu22y whatsoever..


Don Juan
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
Tha Realnezz said:
I don't see the point in the "chase"...

Women choose men..

At best you give women your own signals indicating interest,then approach if reciprocated,and give a lil 20 minute convo back and forth chit chat and get the number..

Anything other than that is BS..She doesn't pick up for a few days,move on.She re-schedules the date constantly..move on.She plays the jealousy game..move on...

There is no point to that...if she really liked you those games will not be played for long..

"Working for their affection"...please..That's exactly what they want guys chasing and them getting their ego's stroked in exchange for no pu22y whatsoever..

There are two types of guys in the world:
those who make things happen...and those who resign themselves to fate/luck.

You are the latter. You don't think you can control your own destiny. You think life has already been scripted and you just follow the flow. If that's how you want to live your life...fine. But the truth is, if you want something in life, you have to EARN IT. So yes, you have to EARN someone's affection just as others have to earn yours. That means you have to get off your butt, take risks and engage in trial/error.

Then again, maybe it's easier to think the way you think. After all, who wants to risk getting hurt or break a sweat?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
I'm with Realnezz. A guy who is focused on a woman's actions and not just his own objective can usually tell if there's an interest, even if she's playing hard to get. If she plays that game and she's truly interested, she doesn't play it long without allowing the guy to make some headway.

If she is interested and continues playing the game without allowing the guy any headway, it's apparent she's more interested in the game than the guy. Why would this be worth your time and effort?

You can definitely control your own destiny however when it involves others, the best that you can do is influence them. This doesn't mean that you are living by a script but guy's should have their own playbook that they go by. They should be able to tell by reading the defense whether they should go for the first down or punt; all the while he knows that he can also call and audible.

Guy's who live purposely by their choices and not by whims that they attempt to force to completion could fall into the trap of rushing in where angels fear to tread. Besides, your destiny is controlled by you, not by the women you choose to sarge.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
I agree with the original poster and think along the same lines. I've seen many guys who persist with chicks who are not interested, and they're commonly known as "creeps", "pests" and "desperate losers". I never want to fall into that category.

In most aspects of life I do believe that you have to work for what you desire and be persistent, but not when it comes to any particular woman. I don't believe in supplicating to women in any form and if they're not willing to snap me up, then I'll move on and let another woman have her chance.

As much confidence as I have in myself, I do accept that I cannot be every woman's type. There are enough women out there and my time is too valuable to waste on indecisive or disinterested women.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
francisco and jariel telling it how it is...
you have all the control over who you date or speak to


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
I just don't think that if you somehow managed to get these types of girls, a relationship wouldn't last very long (if that's what you're looking for). She's not interested. Sure you may be able to hook some girls on the borderline or slightly less, but if you do your stuff and she's not interested, you have to move on.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well, I agree, but what if a chick is soooooo good at giving mixed signals that what you may have thought was genuine affection towards you, was really just her massive attraction ability? I know Exactly what chick I am attracted to, but is that particular chick Good for me? Is her attraction just a facade so powerful that Any guy would suplicate to it (not by buying her things - well, a little wris****ch and writing her a love letter, but by helping her move something when she called and asked me to help her - it was too heavy - I mean, I could have asked her to go buy a fvckin dolly but I decided to be "nice" or "gentlemanly" and come over and help her move it (I had my sunglasses on so she couldn't see my eyes))?

I think that some attraction attributes developed by years of study by some women are soooo powerful that you can not help but to FALL deep down hard for them (and they know it and it sucks because That's what I think I really want in a woman - one that can really inspire me and make me fight and do my best). Other women are just so cold or lazy towards me or different or clueless that there's absolutely NO spark that would set me off to DO anything for their sorry ass. A lot of women can be "not lazy" independently and for themselves, but "cold and lazy" towards your need for flirting or affection and push/pull; therefore, a lot of times I have to initiate the push/pull to mold a woman into the type of woman I want and get the ball rolling b/c most are too lazy to initiate themselves, but about 33% will initiate because they're "Active" women.

I guess I just like poor to middle class women as opposed to rich, elegant sophisticated type. I like one that will go swimming in a river with me and get dirty, muddy etc.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2006
Reaction score
let me ask you , this sounds all good and everything..but

in the real world you don't always have the benefit of finding that perfect girl who will be so non-game playing...
If there was that chance, you should take her up on it asap..w/ interest

but those are rare...many u have it easier?

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
It's threads like this that noobs will read an actually believe, but my advice is to just go in field and find out for yourself.

"The field never lies"

Women choose is correct (To a certain extent and not including you flipping the frame and being the prize)

The woman is basically seeing your personality and then she chooses you. The sh!t tests is a woman's way of screening you to see if you being your "core self". Of course your not going to lose the sets if you are not congruent and actually showing your real personality.

It's all about the intention and frame your going in with. If you have a strong frame it will blow her frame away and suck her into yours.

These girls have to play these games or else they will end up getting guys they don't want. An in this case there doing a good job because you didn't get them.

Your looking at this from the wrong perspective. When your going up to a girl what are you thinking? Your probably thinking about stuff that will now help you. Such as...

"What am I going to say" - Why the hell should you care about that, your having fun and just conveying your personality. An just because your talking to a hot girl you don't know what to say. You're already reacting an you haven't even gone in the set yet. But if you were talking to a two year old you wouldn't give a fuk what the two year old thought about you, but some random girl who is good looking can easily strip away your power and dictate how you act. Really think about that for a minute, why would you want to give up your power like that, you basically handed over everything.

Now think of a guy who is stuck in his head, worrying about all sorts of things like what to say, how she'll react, who she is with, what she is doing, etc.

Compare that to a man...

Who is bringing the party, he offers value to anybody he interacts with. He is in his own reality and doesn't give a fuk what anyone thinks. When he goes up to these girls he isn't thinking about anything else but having fun. He doesn't give a fuk what they say, how they react, etc. He is ultimately just having fun.

An that is why you can go up and randomly talk about stuff and the girl gets sucked in and starts laughing. Because your truly showing your personality and after awhile she becomes attracted. I've had chicks litterally just sit there and watch me interact and all that time she was just wondering "When can I get him". Instead of me thinking "When can I fuk" she was thinking it. She basically was saying "I like him I want him now".

Get up to speed, all the twirly, Po yah moves and surface stuff isn't what is the main importance. (They help) Have your own values, live by them, develop that strong internal beliefs and bring it out with raw power. That is what will change the dynamics of your interactions.

Stop going in like a bitvh go in confident like your kicking down a fuking door like a SWAT member. Go in hard, Plow, Mentally pummel them, RUN the train. If you do this you will go far.

Like I said the field doesn't lie, if you understand female psychology you will realize most of the stuff women do is rather normal when it comes to pickup. So don't get mad just deal with it.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Very few women play no games during courtship..very few...

What i'm saying is if the girl shows no real affection or sexual attraction towards you inbetween the girlishness then either she doesn't like you,she's unsure,she likes the actual game more than she likes the idea of being with you.......

What is the point in that?

One must develop thick-skin in this game,my freinds..

There's women I was truly interested in but I erased from my life because they just wouldn't stop playing games,I had to do every last thing and be the bigger person always,or had to constantly restart things every week.....why?

Women don't know how frustrating the "playing hard to get" thing can be they take it too far ...

I don't play that ****,i'd rather just move on...

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Exp said:
If a girl really wants you, she won't beat around the bush with silly games.
I look at it like this;
  • Most women will initially play silly games because they expect you to be just another guy which she does this to.
  • Once she realizes that you aren't like the other guys, she may become interested. The games may persist but the game may change or its frequency in order to feel you out (decide whether you are Jr. Varsity or First String).
  • Once she decides on where you fall into the lineup (hopefully you aren't riding the bench) and there is an interest, the game playing subsides however the game intensifies (you have to prove her assumptions about your worth).
  • Once she is satisfied that you at least meet her needs, the game playing should cease as long as she feels comfortable that she has made the right decision. This isn't to say that games won't ever come up, it all depends on how much reassurance she needs.
Of course all of this is moot if you aren't interested in the woman (or at least it should be moot). :p


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
That's why it is soooooabsolutely fvcking IMPERATIVE that all Men on here make their LIVES HAPPEN FIRST!!!


Create the "dream" you want.

Live THE "Life" you've been dreaming about.
this is so important to realize. You are so much more than just arm candy to some game playing blankety blank "girl". The girl does not make the Man.
If your girl "creates" YOUR World, you're already Lost.

I know a lot of us are still on the "Need validation" Trip.
Don't think I don't see through how some of you post on here. I can tell, a lot of us are still at that stage.
It's understood. And no one is blaming you guys.

But this happens because you feel you need "love" from some unanppreciative, ungrateful, inconsiderate beeyatch.
Getting validation from someone who treats you poorly and somehow does a magical 180 degrees and finally recognizes your true worth is a dream, a fantasy..but not the good kind of dream.

Listen, guys...your Life is more important than getting some chick..or getting some chick to 'like you back".

It is so important for you, especially the young kids here, tyo see that if you continue down this road, it WILL NOT be a good life you will lead.
No. It won't.

You're being shown the Red Flags and the Do Not Go signs, and yet, many of you are still barreling into a miserable "existence', and it won't be called "Life."
I see it, man. I freakin' see it.

You need to start NOW and set up your life according to YOU. Not on the whims and moods of some mindless 'chick" who is simply not on the same level as you.

"Yeah, but Interceptor, I'm still lonely, man. I'm freakin' lonely. Don't you understand??"

My brothers in Arms, Yes, I DO understand.
I do understand you.

but you are ignoring the signs, my friends. the signs are telling you "Don't go this way."

"But the beautiful girl is there, man! She's there!"

Yes, but at the cost of your soul, and your life.. And your dreams.

And for many...your self respect and dignity.

Do not go there.

Think about this.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
East Chicago
FurryFriend said:
There are two types of guys in the world:
those who make things happen...and those who resign themselves to fate/luck.

You are the latter. You don't think you can control your own destiny. You think life has already been scripted and you just follow the flow. If that's how you want to live your life...fine. But the truth is, if you want something in life, you have to EARN IT. So yes, you have to EARN someone's affection just as others have to earn yours. That means you have to get off your butt, take risks and engage in trial/error.

Then again, maybe it's easier to think the way you think. After all, who wants to risk getting hurt or break a sweat?
Nice speech, but it has nothing to do with the reality. The Realnezz is not advocating to not approach at all, and wait for an interested attractive woman fall on his lap. He just doesn't want to waste his time with a woman that doesn't want him. And I agree. Why bang on a closed door when there are other good doors that are wide open?

Thats like trying to make a sell on a customer who has no money. Your will isn't gonna change the fact that the person cant afford it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
Tha Realnezz said:
I don't see the point in the "chase"...

Women choose men..

At best you give women your own signals indicating interest,then approach if reciprocated,and give a lil 20 minute convo back and forth chit chat and get the number..

Anything other than that is BS..She doesn't pick up for a few days,move on.She re-schedules the date constantly..move on.She plays the jealousy game..move on...

There is no point to that...if she really liked you those games will not be played for long..

"Working for their affection"...please..That's exactly what they want guys chasing and them getting their ego's stroked in exchange for no pu22y whatsoever..

Dude! +1 rep!

I agree wholeheartedly. I can't figure out some of the dudes on here anymore...chasing women around like a bunch of s.hit chucking apes!


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2007
Reaction score
agreed. a certain number of women want to do you, just put yourself around a bit and follow up on the cues. being a man of action doesn't have to mean 'earning' someone's love, doesn't happen. it just means following up the leads and knowing when to either cut your losses or move decisively to seal the deal


Master Don Juan
Jun 15, 2006
Reaction score
mintxx said:
agreed. a certain number of women want to do you, just put yourself around a bit and follow up on the cues. being a man of action doesn't have to mean 'earning' someone's love, doesn't happen. it just means following up the leads and knowing when to either cut your losses or move decisively to seal the deal

+1 rep


Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2004
Reaction score
lets put it bluntly if your getting buying signs from a woman and yet she won't give you ANY headway i'm talking a complete stand still with the same tired played out buying signs. your being lead on and plain as day and you need to just move on.

nothing can hurt a person more than being lead on because the hope will consume you and give way to deserpation and depression and confusion. then you find that she will become a oneitus because you've invested so much effort into her that's all you can seem to think about. And despite other women showing you intrest you ignore it because your so goal focused. we've all been there, these girls are commonly known as AW's.