I'm somewhere between friends and lovers? Advice needed.


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Should I just go for it? Advice needed.

What the ****, I'm pissed.

Okay, I either want this girl to love me or hate me. I really can't stand anything in between, like some ****ty friendship.

I started working a year ago with this girl Shannon. When we first met and worked together I was the biggest AFC. About six months ago I went to college and only saw her every now and then. I also found this site and became a little pimp (I've had my share). So now a year later I started to work again more with her. I see her everyweekend.

I admit that I had oneitis bad over her, but now I don't see her any different then anyother girl. The only thing is that she is very hot. Like, smoking hot and I want to hit it. So before she would barely talk to me and our conversations weren't anything great.

Now theres lots of kino (she's really flirty, not attention ***** though), joking around with each other, etc... She really only talks to me out of the guys and she comes and asks me to work with her many times lately. I remember I asked her to come out for food(dinner) on our break at work and she turned me down, this was before I went to school. Note that she had a bf and she was also busy doing some work at the time. But no excuses, I took it as she didn't really like me. I felt bad, but it passed. She probably doesn't even remember I asked her to get food cause even then I was really calm and just like "okay, whatever, thats cool."

So now our relationship is on another level. We have gone out for some food at work(one time when I didn't invite her she says to me; "oh, you went out and didn't ask me to come?"), but we have done nothing outside of work. The thing is that its weird cause we knew each other from before so I feel like I'm in the friends zone. I also am just an average guy while she's an HB9. I am pretty average, while all her friends are gorgeous and I think that she is the type that is so superficial that there boyfriend has to be really hot so they can show him off to the girls. I know, its terrible......but I just want to hit it.

Okay, so why don't I just ask her out? Cause there's a feeling that tells me that shes just going to say "no". I've danced around the subject and she kinda gets quiet. She tells me about the partys she goes to, but never once invites me. I don't really have many people to hang out with and parties to go to so I usually just tell her about my adventures in college.

What do you guys think? I'm so sick that I might just say something like "so when are we going out?" I'm not sure what she would say. That line doesn't really assume the sale, but I want to see what her response would be, serious or not.

BTW, I just have a ****ty department store job while I'm in school. I don't care what happens with my job. I hate being out in that place where you don't know what your relationship is.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Do something or walk away. You overanalyze way too much, there are other women who are hot too, if this one will not put out then some other will. If you've had your share then you should have a well developed sense in your gut. If the gut says no then follow it, it's usually correct.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Re: Should I just go for it? Advice needed.

Originally posted by johnballantine02
Okay, so why don't I just ask her out? Cause there's a feeling that tells me that shes just going to say "no".
So? :confused:

Grab your balls and do SOMETHING. Don't be another chump "paralyzed by her infinite beauty."


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Stop wasting time and stop being scared!

The answer here is simple... Get your act togeather, ask her out with the expectation of getting "rejected" or the answer being "no".... what do you loose? ONE girl.... Is this a problem? NO! All u have to do is accept it, forget about it, and MOVE ON to the next girl. Your fear of rejection is playing as a BIG negative towards you. But remember this... Rejection is the key to sexual prosperity You will only get stronger by it. And this feeling that u are getting that she will say "no" is the feeling nearly EVERY guy gets before asking a girl out, so ignore that feeling, and JUST ASK HER and STOP WASTING TIME!



Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
aequitas your so right.

I'll ask her and just assume that she'll say yes. If she says no then it would be pretty awkward around work. Then again, I would ****ing get my answer.

Its true, she is single right now. I need to make a move.

As I have stated I've danced around the subject and she goes silent, thats what I'm afraid of. You known like I say yeah, I'm going to take you to the bar and we're going to get wasted, etc....

She's like she's just joking and playing along.

Next time I see her I'll talk her up, make her laugh and then ask her.


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
thats better

johnballantine02: good man;) I like your attitude! And i look forward to hearing about what happens with her, so keep us posted. Otherwise, i wish u the best of luck with her and i hope all goes well.



Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Who cares about a little awkwardness...

And to put it in perspective... the killer is seeing a girl who you work with, then the break up when she's real attached to you and damn that ****'s real messy...

End of the day you don't really just want this girl as a friend do you... why waste your time makin this girl a friend, when you're interested in her because you only want one thing... if you're spendin time with her make sure it's getting you what you want, while spending whatever other time you have makin friends of the people you want as friends!


Master Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Please read the thread carefully before replying to it...

Originally posted by Ashley Chuckles
Who cares about a little awkwardness...

And to put it in perspective... the killer is seeing a girl who you work with, then the break up when she's real attached to you and damn that ****'s real messy...

End of the day you don't really just want this girl as a friend do you... why waste your time makin this girl a friend, when you're interested in her because you only want one thing... if you're spendin time with her make sure it's getting you what you want, while spending whatever other time you have makin friends of the people you want as friends!
who sais that he justs wants to bed her? (have sex with her)... what makes u think that there are no feelings involved here? what makes u think that this chick isnt a potentian long lasting gf?

If he really didnt care about her, then maybe you would be right... but if u read the thread carefully, u will see that he DOES "care" about her.

And another thing... if he can AVOID the arkwardness, then why not avoid it? Your way of thinking is impulsive, i think that u should rethink your outlook on how to go about doing things, and doing them right. With the attitude that u have you will never succeed in a relationship. I am not trying to bring you down, or insult you, i am simply trying to wake u up, so please do not take offence to this. Anyways... yourr way of thinking might succeed with being a "playa" but being a Don Juan is NOT being a playa, and in this guys case, its got alot more than just SOME girl, this girl actually means something to him, otherwise he wouldnt be so worried about her.

He states that he wants to ask her out.. meaning he DOES want something more than to just get her into bed, or kiss her etc... So your way DOES have some truth to it, but in this case it is not a valid point.



Don Juan
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
Cuz he said in the first post "I just want to hit it". That's pretty ouvious to me! Aquequitas, fuk man wake up! He wants to bang this little hottie! Unless there is something he hasnt made clear...


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Should I just go for it? Advice needed.

Originally posted by johnballantine02
What the ****, I'm pissed.

- Like, smoking hot and I want to hit it.
- I know, its terrible......but I just want to hit it.

Can see it clearly now aquequitas? Read man! read! I HATE you!
no major feeling sh*t besides his queasiness.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by legalyillegal
Cuz he said in the first post "I just want to hit it". That's pretty ouvious to me! Aquequitas, fuk man wake up! He wants to bang this little hottie! Unless there is something he hasnt made clear...
There we go...

I know its not all about being a playa, its about a way of life etc etc and getting what you want out of it...

But here we've got someone talking about he wants to hit it... he's not here to make friends with Miss X, opening lines of "I either want her to love me or hate me"... if that's what you want, then spending all your time in falsehood with the illusion that she's talking with you etc, so she must like you is destructive... if he wanted to add a friend then of course go about it a different way, but generally being friends with girls you want to 'hit' doesn't work...

So to prevent time being wasted its best to be forthcoming, then you know where you stand... you can either accept the fact you are 'friend' and do that but you won't be anymore... or you can stop wasting your time, spend your friend time with the guys, and whatever other time workin on potential GFs, ONSs etc...


Master Don Juan
Oct 21, 2002
Reaction score
Pick a girl...
"Friends and Lovers"...LOL, like that Lil' John, feat. Usher song