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I'm so tired of searching...


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
Nobody is happy all the time. Have you ever had a happy moment? Maximize what brings you happy moments and minimize what doesn't. Just be careful with this because happiness isn't the be all end all of life. Other things are equally or more important.

In other words, get your sh1t together. Nothing makes me happier than fixing the problems in my life and improving.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
On the Frontlines
Happiness, huh?

Well, I touched on this topic in the conclusion of this thread I posted a little while back:


But here's a quote from it:

The goal is FULFILLMENT. The objective is JOY, with highlights of true happiness.

Why just HIGHLIGHTS of happiness? Because happiness, unlike JOY, is a transient thing dependent on outside circumstances and external situations. But Joy is internal---more solid, and more resolute. It is the state of a soul content with his lot in life, and a buoyant spirit unburdened by the weight of a guilty conscience and the bitter taste that comes from living a life filled with emptiness.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Here's a secret - there's no such thing as contentment. Being content implies that life is static, it's not, and to be honest, how boring would that be anyway? Life consists of varying states of discontentment, why else would you bother doing anything? But the good news is that it's more fun to manage discontent than to endure contentment (which you can't anyway since by definition it's transitory).

The trick is to understand that there are 2 kinds of discontent - constructive and destructive discontent. What you choose to do with that discontent makes all the difference in the world. You will only get what you've gotten if you keep doing what you've done. Don't allow yourself to fall back into old destructive habits of dealing with discontent. Don't bother with anti-depressants and psychologists, when a good hard workout at the gym or engaging yourself with new, positive friends would serve you better.

The truth is I'm always discontent, but creatively so. The minute you can look yourself in the mirror and be happy with what you see you're sunk. You can always improve, even after achieving things that were very important. Happiness is a state of being, it's in the 'doing' not the 'having done.'


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Rollo Tomassi said:
Here's a secret - there's no such thing as contentment. Being content implies that life is static, it's not, and to be honest, how boring would that be anyway? Life consists of varying states of discontentment, why else would you bother doing anything? But the good news is that it's more fun to manage discontent than to endure contentment (which you can't anyway since by definition it's transitory).

The trick is to understand that there are 2 kinds of discontent - constructive and destructive discontent. What you choose to do with that discontent makes all the difference in the world. You will only get what you've gotten if you keep doing what you've done. Don't allow yourself to fall back into old destructive habits of dealing with discontent. Don't bother with anti-depressants and psychologists, when a good hard workout at the gym or engaging yourself with new, positive friends would serve you better.

The truth is I'm always discontent, but creatively so. The minute you can look yourself in the mirror and be happy with what you see you're sunk. You can always improve, even after achieving things that were very important. Happiness is a state of being, it's in the 'doing' not the 'having done.'
Rollo Tomassi rules.


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
Looks like this is one of these issues I have to learn for myself.

I still am confused on one thing though. Happiness is something that everyone has, and just has to be turned on by taking everything in a positive and constructive light?

This is all good, but I'm still confused. I know many people who are always smiling, laughing, having fun, have a stable life, all this stuff. Yet if I asked them if they are truly happy, I bet each one would say no. Why is this; is it because they are striving for something bigger to quench their happiness, or is it something else?

I have the feeling that I could turn all my thoughts into positive ones, but what will stop my happiness from evaporating when trouble comes my way? What keeps truly happy people joyous when things happen like a friend dies, or their grades are horrible, causing their parents to cut off their life?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Fat = unhappy

If you aren't happy with yourself physically, you'll never be happy with anything. It's you, in your body, interacting with the world. If you are fat and unhappy, there aren't going to be a pair of rosey enough glasses to see the word through: you are unhappy behind the glasses.

A good workout gets the chemicals flowing that promote feelings of "happiness".

People don't give nearly enough credit, IMO, to the relationship between mental health and physical health. Everything is affected. A good example for this board would be that since a person is fat, they have to settle for a fat/ugly/less-than-what-you-want person. Well, that's certainly not going to make you happy.

Like driving a crappy, busted, rusty car around. You aren't going to feel nearly as happy driving it as say, a spotless NSX, or Porsche. And like they say on the West Coast: "you are what you drive".

Happiness breeds happiness. Unhappiness breeds more negativity.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
People don't give nearly enough credit, IMO, to the relationship between mental health and physical health. Everything is affected. A good example for this board would be that since a person is fat, they have to settle for a fat/ugly/less-than-what-you-want person. Well, that's certainly not going to make you happy
I agree.
Sadly enough, when you express an opinion like that most people can't face the fact that you're putting responsibility in their own hands, make up an excuse and remain fat/unhealthy/unhappy/not-going-after-what-they-really-desire.
But that won't stop us from spreading the word. :)

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Vulpine said:
Fat = unhappy

If you aren't happy with yourself physically, you'll never be happy with anything. It's you, in your body, interacting with the world. If you are fat and unhappy, there aren't going to be a pair of rosey enough glasses to see the word through: you are unhappy behind the glasses.

A good workout gets the chemicals flowing that promote feelings of "happiness".

People don't give nearly enough credit, IMO, to the relationship between mental health and physical health. Everything is affected. A good example for this board would be that since a person is fat, they have to settle for a fat/ugly/less-than-what-you-want person. Well, that's certainly not going to make you happy.

Like driving a crappy, busted, rusty car around. You aren't going to feel nearly as happy driving it as say, a spotless NSX, or Porsche. And like they say on the West Coast: "you are what you drive".

Happiness breeds happiness. Unhappiness breeds more negativity.
However many people are content (as opposed to being happy or unhappy) with being fat or with many of the other things in their lives which they believe that they have no control over.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
The Castle Fox
Holland said:
I agree.
Sadly enough, when you express an opinion like that most people can't face the fact that you're putting responsibility in their own hands, make up an excuse and remain fat/unhealthy/unhappy/not-going-after-what-they-really-desire.
But that won't stop us from spreading the word. :)
Yep. Victims.

"I'm this way because I have depression."

No, you have depression because you are that way.

"No, I have depression because I have a chemical imbalance!"

That's very likely, however, you have a chemical imbalance because you are fat.


Just as fat people are likely to get diabetes, they are likely to "get depression". Yeah, and once you have "depression", you cough up all sorts of money on drugs to coddle yourself with and indulge in your misery, thus making you broke, and thus giving you even more reason to be depressed. And the doctors see suckers coming a mile away and cater to their "oh boo-hoo, I'm sick doctor, prescribe me something to make it go away!"

When life sucks, you get sad and depressed. The chemical imbalance is there BECAUSE YOU ARE SAD! It's driving down the road and running out of gas, and when you get towed to the service station, they tell you "you have a chemical difficiency". Rather than put gas in your tank, they sell you a tow truck to tow your car around with - it doesn't fix the problem. If your life didn't suck so bad, your chemicals would be balanced, because you would be happy with your life. If gas was a motivator (which it is) rather than go to the service center and get a bill for gas, you get a bigger bill, for something you don't really need. Put the motivator in the tank and get down the road, don't look to fix something that isn't broken.

I laugh at people who "have depression". Alcoholics use booze to escape, other cocaine and heroin addicts use those drugs, "depressed" people use the meds their doctors prescribe to escape their realities. Does noone ever draw this conclusion? Needing drugs to cope with life? Finding excuses rather than dealing with the problem?

I can hear it now: Vulpine, you're crazy, Doctors are nothing like drug dealers, and fat, broke, depressed people who can't sleep that take zoloft, or ambien, or whatever are nothing like drug addicts.

Watch, 800 people are going to jump on here and push excuses on me. :rolleyes: Consider this - have you went to a doctor and had them tell you were depressed? Did you do it BEFORE or AFTER you were feeling gloomy? Do you go to the doctor BEFORE or AFTER you broke a bone? It's the same thing: just like a doctor looks at a broken bone after the damage is done, doctors measure chemicals after the damage is done. In this case, a person's life is crap - the damage is done. A doctor will tell you "your chemical imbalance requires ongoing treatment" in order to keep you prescribed to meds. Now, if a doctor told you "your crappy life requires ongoing treatment", he wouldn't sell nearly as many drugs, would he? Doctors treat ailments. They are motivated to sell drugs, they are motivated to sell services, they are people motivated by money just as anyone else at their job. If automakers made cars that never broke down, a lot of technicians would be out of work, and a lot of automakers would be out of business: their cars would never need to be replaced.

Much, too much, of the victim mentality you see is cultivated by capitalism. Drugs companies, oil companies, and many seemingly unrelated businesses have painted glorious pictures of themselves. They help us, we need them, they couldn't do anything wrong because they are a step beyond their stooges. Oil companies buy up the patents to the technologies for more fuel efficient vehicles before automakers can get ahold of them, or flat-out out bid automakers. Noone blames the oil companies, motivated to sell OIL, for gas guzzlers. :nono: They blame the automakers. Common sense. The technology for cars to get 100mpg has been out for 20 years - the patent is sitting in a dusty vault in some oil companies headquarters. Then, the same oil companies produce products claiming to "improve" gas mileage? Hillarious sort of blatent hustle, that works, unfortunately.

Drug companies are the same hustlers. Buy the technologies and patents for medications that actually FIX the problems, and push the drugs that TREAT the problems (because you have junkies hooked) and make more $$$. And we all know how corrupt the government is... the FDA is an extension of that government. How convenient it would be if some drugs were approved, and some, weren't... oops... can't cure that disease, I guess, but we can treat it at least. *shrug* That's just too bad, I was really hoping for it to pass. *passes check behind back*

The relevance to happiness you've been wondering? When you start to realize how hustled and duped you've been into being unhappy and for how long, it will make you want to start an underground boxing club and blow up credit buildings.

Train yourself to see through the lies and embrace the reality that things aren't nearly as complicated as everyone wants you to think. Happiness isn't a big SUV, a trophy spouse, a big house, lots of fun toys and dust collectors... happiness is a mindstate. Many people never get to achieve that mindstate because they are so busy doing things they hate to acquire things that "represent happiness" that they never get to enjoy those things. They never get time to enjoy anything, because they are so busy chasing a dream that was sold to them, maintaining all the crap that "represents happiness", or worrying about making ends meet because they've lived beyond their means.

It's the great American hustle. "The American Dream" is merely classic bait and switch. Your perception of happiness, currently, is a dangling carrot. For $19.95, I'll sell you the carrotgrabber2000, supplies are limited so call now, operators are standing by.

Understand that society has you looking at what everyone else has to guage how you rate. Just look at suburbs, it's sick. Look at the commercials with "Bob" and his big fat schlong: Bob's got a big cawk, now he's got a happy wife. Poor Bill, Bill could be happy if he had a big cawk, and his wife would be happier, too! What are they selling? Happiness? No, drugs.

Nevermind what anyone else has, what do YOU have? When you stop seeing life as a series of minus signs and start seeing things as a series of plus signs, things start looking up.

Fatness? "Content" with obesity? It's more like "just let go of the reigns". Fat people, who are "happy" with being fat, lost control of themselves, and embraced the consumer lifestyle. You'll find that fatties are often heavily medicated, too.

And people have to ask, "Why was Fight Club such a good movie?" Even when their eyes are opened, they quickly blink them shut again - like Neo falling to the ground and throwing up. "No. It can't be. I won't believe it, I WON'T!"
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Vulpine said:
Yep. Victims.

"I'm this way because I have depression."

No, you have depression because you are that way.

"No, I have depression because I have a chemical imbalance!"

That's very likely, however, you have a chemical imbalance because you are fat.


Just as fat people are likely to get diabetes, they are likely to "get depression". Yeah, and once you have "depression", you cough up all sorts of money on drugs to coddle yourself with and indulge in your misery, thus making you broke, and thus giving you even more reason to be depressed. And the doctors see suckers coming a mile away and cater to their "oh boo-hoo, I'm sick doctor, prescribe me something to make it go away!"

When life sucks, you get sad and depressed. The chemical imbalance is there BECAUSE YOU ARE SAD! It's driving down the road and running out of gas, and when you get towed to the service station, they tell you "you have a chemical difficiency". Rather than put gas in your tank, they sell you a tow truck to tow your car around with - it doesn't fix the problem. If your life didn't suck so bad, your chemicals would be balanced, because you would be happy with your life. If gas was a motivator (which it is) rather than go to the service center and get a bill for gas, you get a bigger bill, for something you don't really need. Put the motivator in the tank and get down the road, don't look to fix something that isn't broken.

I laugh at people who "have depression". Alcoholics use booze to escape, other cocaine and heroin addicts use those drugs, "depressed" people use the meds their doctors prescribe to escape their realities. Does noone ever draw this conclusion? Needing drugs to cope with life? Finding excuses rather than dealing with the problem?

I can hear it now: Vulpine, you're crazy, Doctors are nothing like drug dealers, and fat, broke, depressed people who can't sleep that take zoloft, or ambien, or whatever are nothing like drug addicts.

Watch, 800 people are going to jump on here and push excuses on me. :rolleyes: Consider this - have you went to a doctor and had them tell you were depressed? Did you do it BEFORE or AFTER you were feeling gloomy? Do you go to the doctor BEFORE or AFTER you broke a bone? It's the same thing: just like a doctor looks at a broken bone after the damage is done, doctors measure chemicals after the damage is done. In this case, a person's life is crap - the damage is done. A doctor will tell you "your chemical imbalance requires ongoing treatment" in order to keep you prescribed to meds. Now, if a doctor told you "your crappy life requires ongoing treatment", he wouldn't sell nearly as many drugs, would he? Doctors treat ailments. They are motivated to sell drugs, they are motivated to sell services, they are people motivated by money just as anyone else at their job. If automakers made cars that never broke down, a lot of technicians would be out of work, and a lot of automakers would be out of business: their cars would never need to be replaced.

Much, too much, of the victim mentality you see is cultivated by capitalism. Drugs companies, oil companies, and many seemingly unrelated businesses have painted glorious pictures of themselves. They help us, we need them, they couldn't do anything wrong because they are a step beyond their stooges. Oil companies buy up the patents to the technologies for more fuel efficient vehicles before automakers can get ahold of them, or flat-out out bid automakers. Noone blames the oil companies, motivated to sell OIL, for gas guzzlers. :nono: They blame the automakers. Common sense. The technology for cars to get 100mpg has been out for 20 years - the patent is sitting in a dusty vault in some oil companies headquarters. Then, the same oil companies produce products claiming to "improve" gas mileage? Hillarious sort of blatent hustle, that works, unfortunately.

Drug companies are the same hustlers. Buy the technologies and patents for medications that actually FIX the problems, and push the drugs that TREAT the problems (because you have junkies hooked) and make more $$$. And we all know how corrupt the government is... the FDA is an extension of that government. How convenient it would be if some drugs were approved, and some, weren't... oops... can't cure that disease, I guess, but we can treat it at least. *shrug* That's just too bad, I was really hoping for it to pass. *passes check behind back*

The relevance to happiness you've been wondering? When you start to realize how hustled and duped you've been into being unhappy and for how long, it will make you want to start an underground boxing club and blow up credit buildings.

Train yourself to see through the lies and embrace the reality that things aren't nearly as complicated as everyone wants you to think. Happiness isn't a big SUV, a trophy spouse, a big house, lots of fun toys and dust collectors... happiness is a mindstate. Many people never get to achieve that mindstate because they are so busy doing things they hate to acquire things that "represent happiness" that they never get to enjoy those things. They never get time to enjoy anything, because they are so busy chasing a dream that was sold to them, maintaining all the crap that "represents happiness", or worrying about making ends meet because they've lived beyond their means.

It's the great American hustle. "The American Dream" is merely classic bait and switch. Your perception of happiness, currently, is a dangling carrot. For $19.95, I'll sell you the carrotgrabber2000, supplies are limited so call now, operators are standing by.

Understand that society has you looking at what everyone else has to guage how you rate. Just look at suburbs, it's sick. Look at the commercials with "Bob" and his big fat schlong: Bob's got a big cawk, now he's got a happy wife. Poor Bill, Bill could be happy if he had a big cawk, and his wife would be happier, too! What are they selling? Happiness? No, drugs.

Nevermind what anyone else has, what do YOU have? When you stop seeing life as a series of minus signs and start seeing things as a series of plus signs, things start looking up.

Fatness? "Content" with obesity? It's more like "just let go of the reigns". Fat people, who are "happy" with being fat, lost control of themselves, and embraced the consumer lifestyle. You'll find that fatties are often heavily medicated, too.

And people have to ask, "Why was Fight Club such a good movie?" Even when their eyes are opened, they quickly blink them shut again - like Neo falling to the ground and throwing up. "No. It can't be. I won't believe it, I WON'T!"
:up: x1000.

Excellent post!!!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Vulpine again.
Yes I am a fan. But the board does not like it. :crackup:


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2006
Reaction score
Wow, what a post...

Okay, I think I have enough to at least start on my wobbly path back to my former happy self.

A scenario still remains in my head though. It's me, working on my happiness, thinking positive thoughts, getting my life together, etc. But I also see me still being miserable all the while I'm improving. Why do you think i would be unhappy even while filling my head with positive thoughts?