I'm so confused


New Member
Jun 1, 2008
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Alright well usually I just lurk these forums and read what other people post for help, but I can't find anything that helps me with this in particular. Wall of text incoming.

So in the middle of the school year a new girl came to school and we had one of the same class, which was the first period of every other day (block schedule) we just talked and were acquaintances for a loooong time, probablly about 3 months, then classes changed with the new semester and we didn't have any of the same classes.

This was the point at which I regretted having not asking her for her number but the thing about that was every time I would ask her what she did for fun or whatever (small talk) she would just say "Oh I just hang out with friends" and when i'd ask her who she hangs out with to happen to see if I know any of them she says "Nick" but she dosen't say she is going out with him, and she seemed like she didn't want to tell me that she hangs out with another guy (during lunch) and when I ask her what movies she likes she would say she falls asleep during any movie she watches, and I even asked if she fell asleep during Rambo and apparently she did, according to her.
So I get the point after she says that that she is just shooting everything thing down that may lead up to me asking her out and that she isn't into me, so I didn't say anything about that for the rest of that class period.
Then the next period, she sits at a different computer (previously she sat right next to me) and just ignores me completely without even so much as a "Hey!" like she always did before she told me she hangs out with "Nick" during lunch. So that just adds to the "ok she doesn't really like me I guess" feeling, except she would always feel uneasy around me, and always laughed at my jokes and actually talked, isn't that what girls so when they like you?
So then classes changed and I hadn't seen her for like 2 months, then just about 2 weeks ago I see her in the morning talking to her friends and she breaks conversation with them to say hey to me, which REALLY caught me off guard because I completely thought she didn't like me at all, now this is the really confusing part, she doesn't really talk to me in the halls when we happen to pass by each other during passing time but she always glances and smiles.
So I'm basically to the point where I'm about to just walk to to her and ask her whether or not she likes me because the end of the school year is coming up and I am still stuck in this rut.

Does she like me? Or am I just seeing what I want to see?

Any advice appreciated. Sorry again for the life story.


Don Juan
May 29, 2008
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You should be more confident and not wait for her to talk to you. But to answer, I think its an indicator of her interest and you need to invest more time into your relationship with her for it to take off at all.


New Member
Jun 1, 2008
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Alright thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it.


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2007
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AFC. Don't go there asking ''Excuse me, do you like me? I don't understand.''
You better wait for a better circumstance where you'll be in control of yourself than to throw yourself in this. Show self confidence.


May 31, 2008
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You have done a good question, it’s really interesting. If you get any good reply, so please let me know. So I’ll also get some good idea.
Thanks for your future help.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2008
Reaction score
Tell her she just got interesting

Ok my friend the thing is you know her for a while now and i do not think that you have admitted that you like her yet so tell you what, tell her that she just got a bit more interesting so much that you would like to get to know her a bit more now, tell her that most girls are not as interesting as she is and that you would like to get to know if she is being herself or not. The reason for this is (and you should tell her the reason is) that most girls fake good qualities most of the times and you can notice when a girl is faking it or not (if she asks well how do you know, you tell her, that it is just something that you have a knack for and that she seems like a girl that is worth getting to know more. Reply and tell me how it goes, make sure to try this 1 is real good (remember reply and let me know whats up peace). OH MAKE SURE THAT YOU JUST LEAVE HER AFTER THE CONVERSATION DO NOT STAY LONG YOU JUST WANNA LET HER KNOW THAT SHE IS KINDA WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING IN A WOMAN AND THAT THIS INTERESTING VIBE THAT SHE HAS IS VERY RARE IN OTHER GIRLS AND THAT YOU JUST WANNA SEE IF HER GOOD VIBE/INTERESTING SELF IS REAL OR NOT (this will let her know that you have value and that you just do not go after any girl thats out there). Peace and please reply wanna see your progress.