I'm Sick Of This Hipocrisy!!!!


New Member
Jan 1, 2004
Reaction score
Porto - Portugal
Hi guys!!!

I'm new here and from what i see, this is a place where we all share the same problem, how to understand and to play women so that they give us what we want ( pus**) and respect us for what we are. I'm not a woman hater, in fact i love woman, for what they represent to us. I just dislike how they act, the fact that they such hyprocrites, and say this and think and act the opposite way.That pisses me off!!!!

I'm a what you could call a frustrated guy, go on, you can think about me that way, cuz i'm 26, live with my parents, have a job i don't like to have, of course no girl, in fact, the girls i had in my life were the kind that ****ed my life worst than it is now. They dislike my looks, they dislike the way i am as a man, if i'm too cold is that iam too cold, if i'm nice they don't like it either, in fact it would be favour i do to them if i dissapear from the face of the earth.

Love? Friends? Yeah sure. Friends that are friends only when it is convenient for them to be. For example, this Xmas and New Years Eve, i took my cell phone and sent sms to all the people i thought were my friends (including ex girl friends). I bet you know what happened right, i think you guys are intelligent and wise enough to reach the conclusion. I just ask myself why are people such hypocrites, why don't they assume who they are, what they are, what and who they like and dislike and make word of it.Is that so hard?? Being sincere? Anyone notice that a girl can complain and talk over her problems with a man, that we have to listen to them, but when we are down they complain that we are always whining, and that they dont have time for our ****, complaining whatever? What kind of **** is this?

And WTF is that I don't like you but we can be friends????? Is friendship something that can be given in a minute, in a ****ing answer? Or is it something that must be conquered within the years? WTF Is this kind of friendship that is so trendy these days??? Even On Internet we can hear about cyber friendship? Just what **** is cyber friendship? if when we send a pic or something we are being judged for what we look and if they dont like what they see the so called friendship is dead and gone. been there done that.

Love? Come on guys, being beautiful is IN, more than ever was, girls just don't like ordinary man anymore, they want their dream guys to come true, if we don't correspond they become more and more unsatisfied. They are the eternal unsatisfied *****es. that don't like anyone, in fact this *****es only care about herselves and their pitiful games.

Guys you can criticize me, say you are against my ideas, but deep down, i think you feel it too, this duality of criteria, this hipocrisy.

I'm sick with all this



New Member
Jan 1, 2004
Reaction score
Porto - Portugal
Just one more thing. What to do about this so called friends that don't have time for me, that don't let me speak what's on my mind, that diss me from going to discos, partys, whatever, just because i don't have a girl friend and think they are superior to me, just because life is grateful to them?

What would be the best revenge?


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Dude ease up on our friends you sound like you're taking them too seriously.

Ease up on the flakey chicks youre dealing with they're flakey cos youre doing something that turns them off. Put the shoe on the other foot by finding out what youre doing wrong , fixing it and then f***ing ten of them at a time. WHen you are dating (and lying to) six women at once plus casual encounters along the way , you'll start to be a little circumspect about calling people liars and hipopotamusses.

Improve your outlook , improve your game , improve your life and have fun with it.



Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Walden mime theatre.

hjh de3qwqwd nm iiooi

"Cat walking across keyboard".