Im really Fed up im a AFC in need of help please.


New Member
Sep 11, 2011
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Im Just really fed up man im an 18 year old virgin who's never had a girlfriend im just confused when it comes to dating and attraction. I look at myself in the mirror everyday and I dont look ugly but I just feel ugly. Sometimes I wonder is it because i dont try hard enough but over the years of attempting to win over the girls heart that i desired and getting laid i just sorta gave up. I see guys around me all the time including friends talk about getting laid and picking up girls like its a part of their everyday life. AT 18 the most close i ever came to getting laid was probably last night i smoked some weed with a couple of girls and a couple of my boys we had fun with them I tried to live it up a little by flirting with them but the guys with me really didn't attempt to be my "WINGMAN" in the situation till eventually the girls got hungry and we start watching some DRAMA flick which killed the mood incredibaly. Basically what im asking is for someone to give me some insight on what I REALLY NEED TO DO IF WANT TO GET LAID or BE THAT GUY GIRLS LOOK AT and be LIKE WOW HE's AMAZING. I Just want to be that guy that's boyfriend material. LIKE WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO BECOME ATTRACTIVE PERIOD.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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We've gone over this before. You've been here for half a year now.

In your last thread you got good help and good advice and good material to check out. My guess is you did none. I'd start with following our advice and stop being a pvssy.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
I hear a lot of excuses and zero action.

Picking up girls may be part of their everyday life if they do it. The same as eating breakfast, or going to the gym. It's just a habit and if you do it everyday it becomes every day basic.

Drama flicks kill the mood? Tell girls your favourite movie is the Notebook, prepare to have stalkers.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
Reaction score
This sound sooo like me. Not anymore haha.
Listen, bro. I know where you are really well. So listen for your own good.

Don't try to gather information or postpone doing something till you are ready( be it more confident or after you read this or that).
Realize you will never have it totaly handled but as you get experience it gets easier.

Life is not linear, plans don't work with girls and know that life has ups and downs for everyone. It's just a fact. You are not alone and you are not the first one to go through this.

Just take care of yourself ( work out, eat more and healthy, get some good sleep, take care of your look and hygiene and etc) and go through your life.

Don't plan anything and don't wait for anything to happen . You see a girl.. she can tag along. You don't have to be perfect or smooth or put up a show to seem confident.. just try for her and do your own thing. Believe me, you have it in you.

Remember this ( and all the above but this): It's about trying and taking the oportunity when it presents itself. Trying and doing what you wanna do is all that matters.
You do that, and her response won't even matter cause you will be happy even before you find out her reaction. If you live like this you will feel it's the right way. You won't regret.
You can regret inaction but you will never regret action.

Take care. You got this. All the best.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2012
Reaction score
you shd be thankful you found this forum at age 18 so you don't make alot of the mistakes some of us did growing up. only advice i can give to you is to read the dj bible over and over then practice practice practice