I'm not in the right frame of mind right now... Decipher her texts for me.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Korrupt said:
Long story short... I used to be FWB with this girl (known her for over a year), she invited my friend and I to go out with her and a bunch of her girlfriends, the night got allllll f*cked up and I felt totally betrayed and sh!t on by her. Also, she cheated on her last boyfriend with me (with a new, rich guy now). And no, I didn't force myself on her, it was more her fault than mine if anything.

The texts:

1.) http://i.imgur.com/zFmBBsg.png

2.) http://i.imgur.com/8CHyKfb.png

3.) http://i.imgur.com/mISALyN.png

4.) http://i.imgur.com/hKRmJCw.png

5.) http://i.imgur.com/EvvAHs6.png

6.) http://i.imgur.com/nn6l2uT.png

7.) http://i.imgur.com/SeVjw5v.png

8.) http://i.imgur.com/3NjI186.png

9.) http://i.imgur.com/NAgj8J2.png
Thank you, just made me realise what a complete faggot I'm being. Thanks. I learned more from seeing your mistakes than trying to understand my own.