Even though black people may on average have better genetics for good muscle build, there's still a big difference between individuals. I'm positive that there's a black guy out there who has a lot of trouble putting on muscle, just like there there has to be an asian guy out there who does it with ease. And to say that you need "Black guy genetics" to have a body like terrel owens' is just BS. There are loads of black guys who could never look just like him, but offcourse there also are those that could. This is the same with all "non-black" people, alot might never be able to do it, but some will be able to. The bigger fraction of the people that can't do it just lack the willpower, not the proper genetics.
I still think that the time and effort you put into your program has alot more to do with it than having the proper genetics. To me, it just sounds like an excuse. First do everything you possibly can, and if you still don't look like the person you want to look like then tough luck. You'll be left with an extremely toned and healthy body that doesn't look exactly like someone else's.
The world's a cruel place.
I still think that the time and effort you put into your program has alot more to do with it than having the proper genetics. To me, it just sounds like an excuse. First do everything you possibly can, and if you still don't look like the person you want to look like then tough luck. You'll be left with an extremely toned and healthy body that doesn't look exactly like someone else's.