So guys, I told myself a long time ago that I would give myself one more chance to send a message to my one-itis at the end of the school year (2 year LTR that ended badly). With 4 days left of school, I sent the message. It was rambling and pointless, I regret it.
So with that on my mind, I decided, ENOUGH BEING A PVSSY and I decided to get another plate to spin. I turned to an acquaintance that I've mentioned around here, Alyssa.
Been talking on facebook with Tyler's friend Alyssa. She was giving me uninterested answers so I ended the conversation the day of prom. Reopened on facebook today, saying that her boobs looked good in her prom dress. Said I'd like to go on a double date with her and tyler. She said that they aren't dating and aren't even talking right now. Feels like an IOI.
Here's the conversation (facebook):
ME: Yo allison
that thing yesterday was fun, you lied
HER: huh try again
really? dang
ME: oh sorry, alyssan
but then I saw your comment on my status
[The status said something about meeting people I'd never see again]
HER: closer...
ME: and it made me cry
HER: of course
because you miss me
ME:Yeah plus i have about 0 friends
So lets hang out?
You talking to Ty yet or we gonna have to leave him out?
HER: ohh i have a minimum 3 other friends requirement for people i hang with...
but no I'm not talking to tyler
ME:alright sweet. so ill make 3 friends this week and we'll hang out this weekend
youre out of school after tomorrow yeah?
HER: that works
ME: Ha turn caps lock off
HER: no. i am that damn excited.
ME: alright well i get out on friday, but maybe thursday will be better for me than the weekend
lets plan on thursday or sunday. Yo digitz??
HER:i can't do thursday. we have our school senior spend the night thing then
lets do sundayyyyy
ME:ah aight sunday
ME:sweet life. ill come up with 3 imaginary friends and text you with some details
HER: sounds good yo
oh but nothing too late i have an ap exam the next day
ME: lol we'll see
Hope that's easy enough to read. My only mistake was mentioning Tyler, made it seem like a not-date. But I'll make it clear its a date once we get there (and also over text if I get the chance).
Text game is getting mad easy to me, guys. I barely do anything, and everything goes right. So I've got a date for sunday, and I'm still with Shannon.
This girl Katie that I met at the last party (has a boyfriend) hasn't stayed in contact with me. I'm going to make sure we keep in touch, she's very cute.