I'm Going All In.


Don Juan
Jan 11, 2012
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It's been so long since I've actually been in a relationship. Yeah, I'm only in my third year of HS and I'm reaching the halfway point and I'm tired of these jump-offs that come and go. I've never approached a girl in my life, it always seemed to happen for me until I hit high school. It was like God gave me a free run until I hit my mid teenage years, then I had to start making moves for myself. A few girls come and go, but they aern't the types of girls that you stick with and keep on your team.
I'm an athlete and I've been playing basketball for a portion of my life. I haven't started taking it seriously until recently, which is something I seriously regret because I'm seeing progress and now I realize why I kept getting beat by other guys on the court. I'm sure my basketball skills will send a few girls my way as they already have, but I want more then that. I want to be able to walk up to a girl, talk with her casually get her number and let things be. I just want a group of 5 to 10 girls that I can talk to and chill with on a sexual level.
I've come here to help get my goals accomplished, and I'm sure this community can help me if I put in the work.

P stranger

Don Juan
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Time to be a hero, time to be a king. You're your own master and the only thing that really matters is you. So quit lying to yourself. Just as BPH said, do something. Welcome to life, succed or die trying.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2012
Reaction score
The other guys may have a better understanding of your background than I do but I always say talk is cheap Action is respected and admired. (Once I again, I don't know you, just going off context clues) Sometimes, we feel like the big man or great because we talk about it. But the reality is that the euphoria that you get from talking about it is not real. It's covering up the excuses that prevent you from going out and taking action.

In life we get no points for talking about it. We get props and women from action.

But if you want to achieve all that you said, you have to know that it all comes in baby steps. It's do-able. A bit difficult in high school since it's a small bubble and your reputation is your most important asset, but do-able. One way to do it is to be honest with girls and let them know that you're not looking for a relationship. You'll be surprised what you can get away with when you use honesty.