I'm getting no respect and i'm getting walked all over


Jan 14, 2006
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Rint said:
Yea dude i'm 15 so i dont think chicks are cool with ****ing yet.

15 year olds are the BIGGEST sluts actually, thats the age where they'll **** ANYONE with the only qualification being that the guy is good looking

they dont need to be gamed ro sosuaved either, all u need is alcohol - 15 year olds dont even kno the definition of anti-slut defense yet, thus when they want u, they'll TAKE u


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2005
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Mmmm thats sorta true from junior to senior you notice kids care more about sex, but sophmores hmmm i dunno they are pretty horny and they only bang REALLY hot guys and almost none of them i know arn virgins. Girls just think i'm cute like baby face cute. Which ****s it up for me. I weight train everyday, but girls cant notice unless you take your clothes off.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
Rint said:
Mmmm thats sorta true from junior to senior you notice kids care more about sex, but sophmores hmmm i dunno they are pretty horny and they only bang REALLY hot guys and almost none of them i know arn virgins. Girls just think i'm cute like baby face cute. Which ****s it up for me. I weight train everyday, but girls cant notice unless you take your clothes off.
You're just making excuses.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Rint said:
Mmmm thats sorta true from junior to senior you notice kids care more about sex, but sophmores hmmm i dunno they are pretty horny and they only bang REALLY hot guys and almost none of them i know arn virgins. Girls just think i'm cute like baby face cute. Which ****s it up for me. I weight train everyday, but girls cant notice unless you take your clothes off.
Of course they care about sex. Why do you think they wear tight, skimpy outfits and get drunk at parties? And about these hot guys? MAKE FRIENDS WITH THEM!

They got the girls, if you join em... you can get the girls too.

And who cares what the chick thinks about your 'Look'. You are 15, not fully developed yet. KEEP TRAINING. It will pay off in the future with HOTTER CHICKS. In the meantime go to parties, and bang the drunk sluts who give it out to anyone, ESPECIALLY with alcohol involved. Wear a condom and get experience.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score
Yea. We dont really have parties like that well not till we can drive. Yo and CMD i think the Nice Jerk is better then the ass hole cause it just dousn't work i tried it.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2006
Reaction score
Rint said:
Yea. We dont really have parties like that well not till we can drive. Yo and CMD i think the Nice Jerk is better then the ass hole cause it just dousn't work i tried it.

Poor Rint, so naive...

Of course theres parties like that, make friends with popular boys, you will see.

I know this because i was only 15 two years ago and i didnt go to any parties then either, do better than me man.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Rint said:
Yea. We dont really have parties like that well not till we can drive. Yo and CMD i think the Nice Jerk is better then the ass hole cause it just dousn't work i tried it.
Depends on your definition.

******* is a different meaning to me. I am an ass.hole to other ass.holes. But I do not go out of my way to make myself seem like I am on purpose.

I just don't really care and say whatever I want, whenever I want if I feel like it. I do not do it to prove to other people anything. Example: I don't go hitting people on purpose to prove I am a tough guy.. but if the fight comes to me its over.

Do you get what I mean?

I'm not putting effort into it until I chose to. Without seeking anyone else's approval.

And one more thing:


You want to learn how to get the chicks? Make friends with a womanizer/player at your school. Hang out, it will rub off on you. Learn from the dude.

If you want to learn to be a geek: hang out with the geeks at your school. Their nerdy behaviour WILL rub off. See what I mean?

Find someone who you respect, and admire and who has the patience to teach you the ropes. Dont ask the loser how to get laid. ASK THE PLAYER. And make friends.

You don't know much at this age. SO LEARN. Learn from someone who you admire and want to be like. GO with an open mind. Don't bring your bullsh*t theories like: girls like flowers, girls like nice guys.... NO THEY DO NOT.

And I want to punch you in the head simply for thinking that, because I was brainwashed with THE SAME THING. And it DID NOT WORK. AT ALL!! Nothing, nada, zip. In fact I got my ass beat multiple times for being such a pvssy then.

In fact, it made sh*t WORSE for me. Don't make the same mistake I did. Dont be the idiot I was.


Now is the perfect time! Learn from the people who know how to get what you want. Ask them to teach you.

And if you do not have a car: MAKE FRIENDS WITH SOMEONE WHO DOES!

See how simple the solution is? Don't give up. If you don't know the answer to something... ask someone who DOES know.

Don't be an idiot. There is a solution to every single problem you can possibly think of. You just have to find someone who knows the answer.
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Don Juan
Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
rint, what all these guys are saying is basically true. faking doesn't work and it never will and ur goal by being a DJ by junior doesn't look realistic the way you seem to act. it takes a lot of learning and mileage to be where the real DJs are at. anyway you seem like a real nice guy inside but ur just pushing it with the whole ****y and funny ****. it feels like to me that you are desperately seeking attention when they should naturally follow you wherever you go. funny can't be forced, i know and failed miserably, sooner or later if you learn and add mileage, everything will all come to place and become natural. anyway listen to these guys because we are ur elders =)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score
toodumb its like ur me what u just said right there that is totally me. How did you become a DJ then?


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
All the hot chicks lose their virginity like at 11 and half the guys don't know about this, they live in their bubble world. Anything goes when kids are drunk.


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
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see ur not tryin to be a DJ just doin the funny and ****y thing one learn to be a cool relaxed person dont try to make ppl like you just be normal never try to impress anyone. Just be a relaxed person once your able to be like that where ur not getting on ppls nerves or acting really ****y or anything then go read almost every article on this site if you read it and do everything the articles tell ya then you shouldnt have no problem.And dont call yourself a jerk ether your not ur a wanna be fit in. So stop faking remember you make yourself the man you wanna be you decide where you make your life good or bad or wether to be a DJ or not.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2006
Reaction score
Best way to earn some respect it to stick up for someone, especially a chick. If you see someone else picking on a girl/guy, step in shut them up and verbally destroy them in a way that says"You're a jerk, their a good person and I'm not gonna stand for it." This will get people thinking*He's not such a bad guy* then the chain reaction starts and you'll be well on your way.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
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flexion_ said:
You can't be both a jerk and C+F at the same time. Which is it?
****y and funny remarks can be made by jerks but it's not really textbook definition ****y and funny...

for example...

*speaking to a woman*...

"Look here WOMAN I'm the man so listen!"

****y? Yes.

Funny? Yes, could be.

I say things like this and women do laugh but sometimes they get defensive.

Most likely because I say sexist things a little frequently.

Anyways Yeah most of the time C&F things arn't said by jerks...at least not textbook definition.

But I'm most definitely pleased to see some 2003 posters here =D

Welcome Back. :yes:


I guess to talk to the original poster now...

The way you carry yourself and act towards others is what defines you.

I havn't been "walked over" in a very, very long time. And I still get mad when I think of it.

The other day this girl said to me at a party "I remember when you used to be silent and didn't talk to everyone, I felt kinda bad for you."

I looked at this woman right, and I thought wow that's really pissing me off she remembers that. I look at her in the eyes and say "You know what's funny...that's how I feel about you right now."

The b1tch was taken back, my success completely.

Women ESPECIALLY should never, ever walk over you. Women arn't even considered people by most societies outside of the US, and according to the Christian bible they weren't created equal. (All men are created equal =D )

But enough with the jokes, and fun.

You tell the next time a girl says some sh1t to you "Calm your ****."

If she says what you say slowly "Calm your goddammn ****oris woman."

Or tell her to get the sand out of her vagina.

Sexist comments never fail.

For men, the above works well too. Saying there a woman and telling them to shut up is always valued.

Never be afraid to escalate sh1t to the next level with some fag. Be fearless in your mind and actions.

No one really wants to get fights, only the elite few.

hope this helps bro, because I know where your coming from.

Just remember your a fvcking man


Master Don Juan
Oct 27, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Thats probably becouse you think you a jerk, couse one day u said very stuped joke that dum asses were laugghing from it... blah blah blah. MOst pppl consider you dummy.. I dont know whats your problem, and i dont wanna know, but i can tell you, that if ppl walking over you, they feel your soft, dum, and probbaly just a toy they can play with..

My advise.. Dont open your mouth to much, yea yea yea, ppl say speak ur mind out, but dont do it if your about t0 say sometin fouked up.

Another thing, act like ur the man, dont act gai! silly, or g00fy, or nerdy.. YOUR THE MAN!, you dont wanna be the man without balls.